Tuesday, June 22, 2004


Today's Song: The Ataris - Boys of Summer

Today i wrote my Science 30 diploma, and it wasn't terribly hard, the two things that screwed me up were some questions about the heart...it sounds stupid but they were talking about the right ventricle and i didn't know if it was my right or what. The other was a question about how much energy the sun puts out in a day, i was all like WTF...Alot?...but i finally found some info in the data booklet that helped out, so i was all proud of myself for doing that. I finished the test just after the first hour and was glad to get my ass out of there.

So, i am sitting here sipping on a slurpee pondering what one ponders while sitting infront of their computer on a tuesday night sipping on a slurpee, and it occurs to me...Tomorrow is my last day of high school...Holy shit, quickest three years of my life. and i start to think about all the good time i've had, Throwing my lunch into the FAR garbage can, Finding some good fastion in the lost and found, Some DAMN good frisbee, AND of course Girl watching...Witch i must say took up alot of my three years at Bowness.

It seems like just yesterday that i was taking the field my first year of seinor football for the City Championship title (We Won Woot!). And again this year in Div 1 and showing what Bowness football is all about and making to to Cities once again (we lost :( ) But all of these events will forever be imotilised as some of the best years i have had. I hope for anyone reading this that they have had as much fun as i have had cuz it was a fucking blast. I want to thank all of my friends for Being themselves and for making high school a shit load of fun.

As I do alot, i was thinking about Girls...Well one in particular...And because of the shitty timing Diplomas and whatnot we have had to delay our date, and it's soo bummin me out. Mind you, i did have a Vert enjoyable convo with her on the phone for a good long while. I just can't wait till i can take her out and just have some fun with her.

I would like to wish all my readers (my mom) a very good night


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I go shopping in the lost and found too!! Always find some cool shit in there. I liked/disliked your talk of the end of school. I liked it cuz DUH school's over, but it made me sad cuz there's some people from school who'll i'll prolly never see AGAIN. But then again, there's alot of people i'm glad that i'll never see again. So glad we stayed friends...don't let that change!! grrr!
take care sweety
~guess who

10:00 PM  
Blogger E said...

Was that your mom replying? ^^ lol jk
My mom reads my blog too haha. You write quite the interesting blogs, a lot of detail, I like.

11:51 PM  

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