Saturday, September 18, 2004

Rock, Paper, Sisors

Today's Song: Iron Maiden - Hallowed Be They Name

So, Havn't blogged in a LONG time.... Sorry for that.

I've been goin to school and working and whatnot. Havn't been socializing much. The other day i went to dinner with Justin and Kevin then saw Resident Evil: Apcoliyse, It was a good movie. Kevin and I dropped off resume's at Joey's so we could get some good jobs, I have been seriopusly considdering quitting the Chalet but i havn't been able to put my foot down, So tomorrow i plan to quit.


Been thinking about Megan alot, I miss her. I really would like to see her, but i'm too scared to call her or anythimg. I wouldn't know what to say.

So Sean Tarnnizzel and i went to West Side skate park tonight around 3 int the AM and he had to get up at like 830 in the AM.... What a trooper. So we were playing around, and he says: " i think you should hit this grind". and it was a grind down a ledge with a QP under it (quite scary). So he says: " If you do it first i'll try it" so i thought: "If i break a boen or somethig i'll get to miss work" So i go first. I fall. But i came close to makinfg it so i go again and i landed it, It was soo easy. Sean takes a run up to checkhis speed. then goes for it and lands it first try!! So it was a successful night.

Now i'm gonna go to bed because i have to work at 11 GHEY... ANYWAYS... Anyone want to do anything tomorrow call my cellular telephone.

Good Night.


Blogger Justin said...


2:37 PM  
Blogger Gumbi said...

Hello, My name is Justin... THE SPELLING NAZI!!

4:15 PM  
Blogger E said...

Bananular Phone

11:05 PM  

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