Thursday, August 26, 2004

Still Alive!

Today's Song: Josh Groban - You Raise me up

So Got back from camping today.

Let's see. We got rained, so we set up our site super quick, Still raining. So we go inside the tent and start drinking (Whatelse can you do?) So Dickie gets super wasted and is about to pass out so we go to bed (At 9:30). We wake up nice and early, and get down to some breakfast...And we notice that the cooler had oddly turned into a heater and so all our food went bad...So my Bacon and Eggs breakfast went into the garbage. Vanessa saved our lives by frying up some lunch meat, Werd! it was good. Then we tried to get a fire goin...Still raining mind you. No luck. So we retreat to the tent for a power nap. Then we we came out tried to get a fire goin AGAIN and no luck. so we hung out in the tent some more, then The Lovely Vanessa made us some Dinner.... Fried Lunch Meat AGAIN!... I gotta say that this no cooler action wasn't good, because the meat wasn't soo good this time around. But a little after Dinnner we did the only thing to do....DRINK. So after we all felt a bit sick we stopped drinking and The Woo and i vowed to get a fire going. AND WE FUCKING DID!....

So Between Dickie telling me how i was gonna get mawled by a bear in his dream (He said he was disapointed in me because it was only a small one and i could have taken him) and almost getting sick a couple times, it was a fucking fun trip!

So as we are packing everything up for our ride home we look up and it's not raining, and it's nice and sunny...What Luck!...

Camping Pics

Jeff In A Field!

Woot to Eric for the Pics!


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