Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Today's Song: Rise Against - Give It All

"Break through the undertow, your hands I can't seem to find,
pollution burns my tongue, cough words I can't speak so I

stop my struggling, then I float to the surface,
fill my lungs with air, then let it out

So you know that big presentation i had for today? Right... Well only half the class presented and i was in the half that has to wait till tomorrow. FUCK.

Then things got better...

So Dickie had the day off and he car was getting looked at at that place on the corner. So we walk from his place to the garage, and we go through the hole in the fence that Dickie's bro crashed into with his truck before he sold it. And i am looking in the ground for any peice of yellow Sunshine. and i'm not looking where i am going and i step on a nail. it went through my shoe through my sock and into my foot.

Dickie being the Sympathizing type said: "Walk it off princess".

Then he made me walk around looking at cars that he might want to buy.

Went and saw V for Vendetta.... Kinda fell asleep in it soo not to clear on some parts but what i did see ran on at times:
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