Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Last Week

Today's Song: Alexisonfire - Accidents

"Do they even cure you
Or is it just to humour us before we die
If only we could heal ourselves
We wouldn't.. need to be hooked up to these machines"

Sorry for not kepping you updated.

This is my last week of my first year. I gotta say it went by fast.

This week i had/have due:

Interactive flash portfolio
Marketing site with interactive flash popups, magazine ads, and a project manual
a series of photos [3 things you love and 3 you hate]
a PDF portfolio
Music Video
eCommerce web site
3d model of an industrial object

I have all done ot handed in except the Music vid which we finished shooting today and will edit tomorrow.

On of our locations for filmin was Milly, and i was riding around a bit so i was playing in the bathtub bowl and i wanted to try a 180 to rollback out of it. I didn't have enough speed and so i put a foot down and my pedal cut through my pants and into me. Now my knee hurts.

Been cheering for the flames. Woot on the win tonight.

No job yet.

I dunno what to say really. Because of my lack of posting anything i would have written will be old and un interesting.

Eric is back [only to leave again all too soon] Dickie Eric and i went to the new denny's in Bowness. The food was good and we were tellin new stories old stories and just laughin and havin a good time.

Returned 530 something bottles and cans for $28.20 It was Sweet and easy money. Shortly before that i had deposited my Ralph check.

I dunno if i mentioned this in previous posts [too lazy to look right now] but My dad and i got new guns over easter. i mean what says easter like new guns? Anywho. Dad got an SKS $160 and i got a Sporterized Lee Enfield No.4 Mk.1 [my other LE is a mil-spec No.4 Mk.1*] So what did i pad for this pretty accurate shooter [under 2 inches at 25 yards]?

My plan for this rifle? Turn it into a L42A1 Enforcer
. It seems pretty simple, i mean all i need is:
New Wood: $80-ish
Scope+Mount: $100-ish
Bipod: Under $100

I'm hoping to keep this inside my ralph check. So i'm pretty stoked to shoot this once it is finished.

We had planned to go to the outdoor range and blast some shit. But Dickie is being sent to canmore. That asshole is staying in a $350/ night hotel. He was telling me all the shit that is in his room and it pissed me off because it is pretty posh.

But Justing Eric and i are gonna hit up the edge so it's not a complete loss.

BTW> Listening to Punjabi MC - Jogi.... Pretty sweet.

Any who. This post was a hell of alot longer then i had thought.




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