Tuesday, June 29, 2004


Today's Song: The Seatbeltts - Tank!

Last night was So funny, It was Movie Night Monday, This means on Monday we pick out a movie that we think will scare the shit out of Sarah...And i think we succeded. It was awesome because Sarah was walking down the drive way to her car and i grab her and yell:"BLAIR WITCH", and i swear she jumped like 3 feet into the air and screamed soo loud, it was Priceless. The only downer was that Special Someone i ALWAYS talk about at the end of my Blogs was not able to come...Well i guess it seems her life revolves around other things then me...

Today i got up and went in to the old High school to pick up my report card....SHIT...I hoped for better marks, but i can't expect higher marks for the little effort i put forth.

I was reading Eric's Blog and it made me think...We are all goin our seperate way after the summer is through, I will miss all my friends greatly, Even if we weren't the best of friends and we were just friends in classes i will miss you, because you were a friend and you brought something special to my life, and for that i truly thank you. If any of you are in the Lethbridge area I invite you to call me up. I hope anyone reading this that feels that we were friends will try and keep in contact with me.

On a happier note...Robo, Corey (Robo's cousin) and i headed up to COP to have a session on the DJs and as it turns out Because of the World Cup races being held at COP in the next week or so...the whole park is closed, so thats pretty gay, (but gives me an idea for an interesting Date :) ). After having our hearts broken from the lack of riding, we went for some BBQin at Robo's and it was quite the Yum. Corey was feeling a bit shaggy so Robo decided to cut his hair...hahaha...And i gotta say, Watching Robo cut hair is practly a spectator sport, because he was getting all into it. Yes, Robo cut his hair into a Mullet before buzzing it. My faverite part was when Robo was cleaning it up and you hear: "BUZZ...Opps" from Robo...hahaha, it was fun. After Corey's stylish haircut we decided to hit the Mini Golf course, that was alot of fun, mind you i did terrible. On one hole you have to jump your ball over a little water hazard, so Corey says: "You gotta Gap it", and he nails the ball and it goes flying and hits off a rock and bounces 50 feet in the air...hahaha, man that was a good shot.

(Now for the love life)

So, i'm waiting here...hoping that once She gets home from baseball she'll call me back and be willing to go out to a movie (Dodge Ball) with me. If she agrees to go, i'm trying to think of how i can make a move with out looking like a geek...The thing that makes this whole situation better is the fact that i have NO CLUE how she feels about me, But being the guy i am, i will still bravly go forth and win her heart...I hope.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi jeffy, tip from jocelyn. On your date..go for the hand on the knee. Its a nice touch, and that way your hand wont get all sweaty holding hers or she wont be uncomfertable with sitting with ur arm around her. If she doesnt give u a weird look or shake it off..i guess the rest is up to you! LOL. enjoy

10:53 AM  
Blogger E said...

Woooaah! Jeff's got a pro givin' him tips now.

1:56 PM  

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