Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Only a Pilot?......I got TWO JOBS!

Today's Song: Alexisonfire - Accidents

So.... Long time and no Bloggy Bloggy. You are not missing much at all.

Where to start? So i'm quitting the shit outta The Chalet. But i feel bad because Alex, the hardest worker there is getting fucked over because now he's stuck with a bunch of retards.....

So yesterday i went into Joey's Only for an interview and it was kick ass. I hate to say it but in the 20 min i spend with the manager from Joey's i liked her ALOT more then my manager at The Chalet.

So, School sucks ass. I have no friends. I'm lonely, And The Ex i think is havin more fun then me. You've herd the saying: The best revenge is living well.... From what i have herd it seems like she is living it up and havin a good time. Now i gotta say that make me feel even worse.... Guess i'm not that hard to get over.

So, you ever saw that commercial for Halls Fruit breezers? And it's the jamican guy and he is all like Hittin on the babes and asking what their BFs do and what not and one chic says: "He's a pilot" then that Jamican guy says in his funny acent: "Just a pilot?....I got TWO JOBS. I'm a fruit candy and i leave a cool taste sensation"..... hahaha funny shit.

ANYWAYS, i'm gonna go back into my little hole of dreperession.


Blogger Justin said...


9:35 PM  

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