Wednesday, October 13, 2004

I Smell Like Fish

Today's Song: Alexisonfire - Counter Parts And Number Them

School.... Work... Sleep

That just about sums up my life.

So i was workin my ass off one night and i was taking out A SHIT LOAD of trash. And some crazy kid hongs at me and starts driving stright at me, I'm all like: "WTF?!". And then it turns out to be Jocelyn Jamie and Jocelyn's Father. I was all like: "WERD!" So they tell me that they are headin over to celebrate Jamie's 18th B-Day at Schanks. So i tell them that i definatly be there.... After washing my Fishy aroma. So i got squeeky clean and headed over.

I get there and after wandering around totally clueless for a while i spotted Jocelyn and i sat down at her table. There were these two koo dude who i did not know but they were funny. So i get myself a beer and Jamie a Broken Down Golf Cart.... Between Eric and Justin i'm gonna get addicted to those. So i'm hangin out with a bunch of koo people when OUT OF NO WHERE.... Rob and Mason show up.... Holy crap was that koo. So i introduce them as "Fuckin Rob" and "Magical Mason" and we chat it up and one of the guys called Mason "Dazzle-Me-Mason" it was funny. Then i met some guy that Jamie and Jocelyn found to replace me who's name is Adam if i am not mistaken... I gotta say he is a koo guy. And he it intense like me hahaha. We had a good discussion on this crazy fighting video we saw on an infomercial. CRAZY SHIT.

So Rob Mason and i head over to the bar and get a shot of Crartruse (Thanks Kevin) and a broken doen golf cart and a pitcher of beer, Turns out a pitcher is only like three beers. So we drink all of that and we are starting to feel good, by now it's about 130 in the am or so... and thats tooo late for Jamie and Jocelyn so they leave. It was really good to see them and catch up because they are awesome people who i am glad to know.

ANYWAYS... ack to Mason Rob and i getting wasted.

So it's almost last call so we go to the bar and order: 2 pitchers of beer. 3 broken down golf carts, 3 shots of chartruse. Together it cost like $60 hahaha. So we started drinking.... So we all finish except for Mason who by now HATES the taste of beer so he has one Glass left and he gives it to some guy Eric from Fiji.... hahaha i know it dosn't sound real but it was... This guy barely knew English and was SOO wasted and he was funny. So after we get thrown out of Schanks at like 2:15 or so we try and get Eric from Fiji into a Taxi to take him home.... That was funny. I hope he got home haha.

Then Rob Mason and i start stumbling all over crowfoot, So we head into Mac's and get some MUCH NEEDED snacks and refreshments. The only time someone got IDed was when Mason baught a porno mag. So after reading that and eating and talking about EVERYTHING and joking around we headed home. Frick that was a fun night.

So TONIGHT. Sarah and i went to go see Taxi, So we went to none other then Joey's Only. Kevion and Justin were workin and we said hello and then Kevin got off work right as we were gonna leave so he came to the movie with us and it was a good movie. We laughed at some chic in the row ahead of us cuz she was dancing to a song in the movie. Sarah's faverite part of the movie was then the hot chic was feeling the other hot chic. Sarah is a pervert.

So i dunno why exactly, but i thought to invite Megan to the movie. So i think to myself:" Jeff, it'd only be akward if you let it get akward."... So i finally work up the balls to call Megan.... and she had JUST headed off to work.... hahaha. Ahh well., Maybe i'll try again some other time.

I gotta say i'm glad i did something on my day off instead of just sitting around the house. So, All in all a good day. and on that note i wish you all a good night.


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