Monday, October 04, 2004

Stumble Stumble....

Today's Song: Franz Ferdinand - This Fire

So, lets see....Work...School....Sleep


So, every once in a while i go on the interweb and check out the Blogs, and the kid i thought who would be keeping up with the Blogs the most hasn't updadted in forever (Asshole). Eric is the one who started me on the whole Blog train, and i try to keep up as much as i can...

So, I guess this Blog is to share my drunken night with you all. BTW> feel free to ask questions because there might be some parts where my memory has left me...

Kevin and i were at work and we were all like: " Lets Get Wasted". So we planned on gettin justin and Rob to come to the bar. Justin was dead so The Fee, Rob and i headed down. As i show up i hear: "Macarone is a fag" and i look over to see Kevin Rob Chase Cass and Jerry sitting there. So it turn out we are gonna head down to Jerry's and get wasted there... FINE BY ME. So that saved me a but load of money.As we are walking down there Rob finds a sweet ass bike... mind you it had no seat, or left crank... But he was determined to ride that bike, So i helped him out by pushing him along. Robs a good kid... No too bright though. And he's a shitty bike rider. So i was pushing him along and then he steers himself off the curb and falls. Let me tell you, From the way he was crying i take it that riding bikes with out seats can be painful. Once Kevin and i stopped laughing long enough to talk kevin informed Rob that he had just been "Bike Raped" hahaha. Kevin Rob and i split a 12 pack of beer and a thing of Jack Daniels. SHIT.... You only drink that if you wanna get WASTED. So we polish off the beer and start drinkin the JDs and man was it bad... So anyways, after a lot of drinkin and laughin at pretty much everything, Jerry kicked us out around 2 in the am or so. We decide that we need to go to Mac's for some snacks. But Mac's is farther from my house... But hey everyone likes a little walkabout when they are wasted. So we are doin the normal drunk teenager think and getting into mischif. Then me and Rob started fighting hahaha. we beat the crap out of eachother. that took like 5 min or so, then Rob and Kevin needed to stop for a potty break, So i sat on the fence and OUT OF NOWHWHERE i puked.... Mind you usally when puking you feel like death before and after, but i felt better after. But in the morning i realized i pulled an Eric Woo.... (Puking on ones Shoes haha) So as we get to Mac's i see a kid i know inside and his bike it outside. So i hop on his bike and we all know i'm a good rider right?.....Well not so much when under the infulence. I couldn't even ride stright and i fell over many times. So he comes out side and yell/laughs at me. and i got get my twizillers. and i come out hop on his bike again and then part ways with Rob and Kevin. So Dan and i are goin the same way home and i'm riding his bike and i am riding into fences and trees and bushes and gennerally tipping over. So i kinda get the hang of the riding thing and we are waking and talking about everything and we pass by this nice little puke puddle and he says: "Oh Shit dude someone ralphed right there" and i started to laugh my ass off cuz it was my puke and i rode threw it on his bike. So i got home around 4 something i think. and i passed out infront of the TV and when i woke up i realized i had to go to work. Meh thats not so bad.... But then i started thinking about last night and for the longest time i couldn't remember how i got home. And i go into my room and look at the jacket i was wearing and i see that most of Kevin and Robs drinks had made it on to my sleeve because i tend to stumble a tad when i am intoxicated.

Yep thats pretty much it.

I am a pretty forgetful person and i tried to write down my work schedual and when i was looking closely at it i realized that i had skipped a day... so i went in today and took my mom for lunch, Kevin made my food. and with my discount it was all under $20.... Fuckin rights... I ate a callimari Appitizer, a club wrap, and my mom had the two peice fish plate, and it was all under $20.... Fucking sweet.


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