Friday, October 01, 2004


Today's Song: Presidents of the United States of America - Toob Amplifier

You Want updates?.... YOU WANT UPDATES?...Well you want them here they are....

So Been working at Joey's for 3 shifts and i like it alot. The people are great, Workin with Kevin and Justin, Mind you i have only had shifts with Kevin so far. All of my shifts have been closing shifts and it's not so bad because the kitchen is pretty small and it's quick with a couple of people. One day, My first shift actually and Kevin (sixth or something) had to close the kitchen by ourselves... What a dream team. But i was amazed that one of the managers came back and started helping us clean and crap.... Now i like to half ass as much as the next guy, But i do try and take a bit of pride in my work. At the Chalet it was all half ass-ing, But here people do a good job because the really like working here and like their co-workers. I gotta say that this makes me work that extra bit harder to pull my weight so i'm not letting anyone down.

My second shift was INSANE... All you can eat fish night.... I was doin the fish.... It Good? It was good because i was working with a bunch of great guys who would take the time to show me how things are done and actually help me out when i got behind on orders. I don't mean to brag or anything BUT someone told me that the servers were getting compliments on the fish... So that was pretty uplifting. Seriously, I had more compliments on the way i was working and trying to learn and whatnot then the whole time i worked at the Chalet. I miss some guys from the good old Chalet.... But i have moved on... The tips i get at Joey's help alot too haha. I mean i'm not making insane chash in tips.... but it's money i'm getting for a job well done. My tips depend on how busy a night is... i have made $2.50 up to $9 in a night.

Tonight i didn't have to work and i gotta say that i enjoyed the chance to just...Do nothing... I was trying to find something to do tonight but i'm kinda glad i got the chance to just DO NOTHING. I know it sounds weird but it was refreshing.

As most of you will know that i am on MSN almost 24/7 and if i'm not "Online" you can still leave a message for me when i'm away. So i came back to the computer after watching Conan (Kick ass Show) and Laura had left me a message telling me that if i needed to talk she was there to listen and to check a comment on my Blog, So i check out the blog and whatnot and i FINALLY struck me. I have been such a dumbass feeling sorry for myself and bitching about how i have no friends, and i look back at my blogs and see myself bitching about endless nonsence and seeing people comment to lend support and give advise. I'm sorry everyone, and Thank you. After i got this amazing rush of thoughts my mood lightened and i thought: "Shit Jeff, Yea a bunch of close friends moved away, Your GF dumped you. But shit isn't over". As i was looking over past comments it was thinking about all these people who are still there for me and are thinking about me, Taking time out of their day to drop me a line here at Jeffrey Macarone on the interweb. THANK YOU.

What else is there to say after that?...


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