Sunday, January 16, 2005

Damn Rent-A-Cop

Today's Song: Thrice - Deadbolt

So, It turns out that i didn't go to Schanks the other night, Because Anna was too busy buying bras and not Beers...

So tonight. i planned on staying home alone and watching some SNL. But then Sean Tarnizzle calls me up and asks if i want to sesh up some Crowfoot. I asked how cold it was out, He said it wasn't bad. So we went and rode around and grabed a Starbucks Mochchino to warm up. It was good, I was warm but the only part of me that really got cold was my brake finger, Because it was on the cold metal lever. So it turns out that i didn't land the one trick i was trying all night. But hey at least i tried.

So last night i was bored and had nothing to do, I noticed the hammer for my BB gun wasfucked. I looked closer and i saw that the spring was busted. I went and took the gun apart to try and fix it. But in doing so i made the spring relese pop off and that spring came off. So now i have to take the gun COMPLETELY apart and then the Trigger spring pops off. SO as i sat there trying to force the spring back onto the trigger it shoots across the room and i thought i lost it. there is $55 down the drain. But i got down on my hands and knees looking for it and i found it. And after a little while i peiced it back together... Minus the hammer and broken spring. Then i took the hammer and cut the little nubs off that hinged it on the gun and drilled a hole so that a pertruding bit of metal would go inside the hole. I glued the hammer to the Slide and it looked awesome. I gotta say that i am pretty surprised that i took this gun to peices and still put it back together again to have it working properly.

So when i was done assembling my gun i turned around and looked at how messy my room was, i decided to clean it up. I mean that my room was one big shit hole. So after a good hour of work i cleaned it up, picked up over 100 bbs off the floor and brought my bike into my room. It was finished. I like how it looks. All i need now is a TV and it'll be complete.
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After bikin, Came home watched some TV, Then talked to Justin and Kevin. We decided arounf 10 to go to Nottinghams and grab a pint. So There we are and we see a couple of people from Bowness and we said hello and chatted a bit. But we Decided to leave because fricken Notts dosn't have Chartruse! So we made the adventure up to Schanks to finish up the night the right way. So we get there settle in, and I saw An old Chalet coworker there so i definatly say hey and chat her up a bit. It was goot to see her (She's a babe). We go to order our drinks. Two broken down Golf carts and a Chartruse. BUT OH NO... They are out of Chartruse. So it was Two broken down Golf carts and a Jager. I think i had two of those. Then Kevin made me get Bacardi Limon Jager and a Broken down Golf cart. When i got back to the table with all these drinks in my hand i noticed how many emptys there were, 18 shot glasses and 6 glasses. So we finished that round and decided to leave. BUT NO.... Kevin decides we need another shot for the road. I politely decline. Then he offers to buy... Well how can i say no? Another shot of Barcardi Limon. Then we are off. We stumble out of schanks and walk towards Safeway. We notice the Rent-a-Cop driving around. At that moment i get the drucken idea that we should all throw snowballs at this rent-a-cop, but i am the only one smart enough to bring mitts. So i am elected the one to throw the snowball. So i duck behind a wall and then he drives by... AND I JUMP UP AND THROW IT... and i missed... So we ran around cineplex and came back to Safeway. This time at a diffrent location and there is a HUGE snowbank there, and what perfect timing. the rent-a-cop pulls around the corner. So i grabbed two snowballs and climb to the top of this massive snowbank and wait till he gets closer. THEN BAMM. I jumped up and threw one... I hit it first try, I had another one in my hand and i threw that one, and missed. So i turn around and see Justin and Kevin already running away. So i boot it away back to Schanks. We walked behing Revy and we saw this HUGE cube of snow just waiting to be toppled over. So i jumped up there and pushed it over. Then me and Kevin jumped onto it and got all snowy and cold. As we are walking away Kevin kicks his shoe at me, What an asshole. So i took his shoe and threw it across the street hahaha. He had to hop on one foot across the street to get it. Then we went to Esso to grab some Krispy Kream. Then it was homeward bound...

Yay Essay monday morning... Wish me luck

Good Night.


Blogger Justin said...

Finally, a good song.

11:02 PM  

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