Thursday, January 20, 2005

Krunk Juice?

Today's song: JayZ feat. Linkin Park - Encore vs. Numb

The other day i wrote my Social Diploma Essay.... Pretty Easy, I finished in a hour and 5 min.

That night went and hung out with Justin and Mike. We Were gonna go pick up a BB gun for justin's bro, but it wasn't in stock. We decided to go eat at BPs and it was good, I decided to give the waitress a hard time by asking what she would recomend, Then ordering the opposite...haha So we came back to my house and shot our BB guns. That was fun except Justin shot me in the ass and it hurt.

Did nothing for a few days.

Tonight went bikin with Sean Downtown and Milly. It was hella fun. We went to Milly and we hit the normal stuff. Sean met a guy who might sell his frame, He was kinda weird. He took us to his apartment to get Sean's info. Thought i might get raped... But i'm ok.

Went down town. There was this three set and infront were some ladies. So we felt the need to impress. So i hopped up the three set, Then bar-spinned down the set. I was stoked about that. rode around O'Clair, Went into Joey Tomatoes for some fruit bursts They were good. The waitress was a babe.

On the way back to Milly we saw some hookers, I told Sean that i should go ask if i did a koo trick if she's give me a BJ... but then he informed me that it was probably better for my health if i didn't have relations with those women.

Went back to Milly to check out this DJ, Sean was about to hit it when his bike died, Bow did some shitty for on it. So he will be having a comversation with them tomorrow.

Went to Timmy's Got the BLT, Chocolate Donut, and a Hot Chocolate. Soo Good. Sean showed me his massive musical talents when he started bustin out on the Cup. It was like Krunk Juice.

The ride home, West Side Till i die.... Listened to some 2pac rhymes and beats. As well as the OC theme.

Before goin riding i tured my wheel and just generally tuned the bike. So last time i went riding i found out that because of grinding that my pedal was totally bald. So i tried to put some screws in, but they fell out. So i decided that i would just tak eout all the pins and put them on one side of the pedal and have the other side flat for grinding... Worked Perfectly....

Grind Side:
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Pin Side:
Free Image Hosting at


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jeff!!
I'm sure you did very good on your diploma essay!!
Those are some very nice pedals! hahaha

9:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

alrite gangsta u talk freaki bbz bu t i lv ur lingo jd x

9:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

my boyfs in 2 krunk n i jz wana ask wotz da bst 2 listen 2 ? - d u ansa dese tingz ? -one love one god one way

9:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice pedals u freak y dnt u put sum decent picz on ur website? jc #

9:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice pedals u freak y dnt u put sum decent picz on ur website? jc #

9:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice pedals u freak y dnt u put sum decent picz on ur website? jc #

9:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice pedals u freak y dnt u put sum decent picz on ur website? jc #

9:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sz i put da message 4x !

9:39 AM  

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