Saturday, January 29, 2005

Tarnizzle 3:16

Today's Song: Montel Jordan - This is how we do it

So, Before i start. I found the pic of the guy surfing while i was in Cali:
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So i guess this post shoudl really start thursday around 7 in the am. This is when i got up, and got ready for my last test. I got a ride to Brentwood, took the bus. Did the test, and hurried home. Once i was done sean and i planned on goin to Lethbridge to do some Bikin. The night before i called my sis(who lives in LB) and i asked if she wouldn't mind having two dirtbags stay over night, She agreed. As soon as i finished the test i got home as quick as i could. I saw Calvin Chan on the train. It was koo We chatted a good long time. We weren't really great frineds in Highschool, but non-the-less it was plesent. In the middle of a story some Mormen recruter came and interrupted me. I gotta say that was definatly annoying. Not the fact he was pushing his religion on me, but that he interrupted my story.

So after being attacked by the Mormen, I took the bus home (Funny Comic i found on the bus) and got ready for the road trip.Sean came shortly after i got home. We were gonna use my bike rack to haul our bikes up there. but because of a sunfire's oddly shaped rear end the rack dosn't fit right. This became apparent as we saw Sean's bike almost fall off as we were flying 110 Km/h down the highway. So we riged it up with a snowboard leash and she was solid.

After a shakey start... Going the wrong way, Turning on to the wrong street... We were on the way. It was like 2 - 3 hours of driving. There was much laughter and rapping. Ra Ra Rasputin Blastin. Definatly a good time. This drive was punctuated by the smell of cow shit. After that we kinda got hungry, so we stopped at an A&W for some food. Sean oderes first and we are cahhtin up the lady working and whatnot. I am standing at the counter waiting to place my order. Some crazy lady comes in and asks what types of jusice they have. "Apple and Orange" was the reply. So she decided to get one of each "to go". So i thought: "Yea, Definatly help the crazy lady out first, I mean she's crazy... It's the polite thing to do". So then there is some guy standing behind me. he steps up to the cash and orders. So now that i realize that i've been skipped i go to then end of the line to correct my mistake (the line was Him then Me) So i lean over to Sean and say: "Us City Boys don't know how things are done around here".

FINALLY we get into the LB. Now we need to find the skate park. We pull into a shopping center and ask some of the locals where it was... We thought the teens would know... Apparently not. It ended up that some mom knew where it was and drew us a map. So 20 to 30 min later we are actually riding.

We jump out of the car get out bike and dash towards the skatepark. But we find that we have to cross this big dirt feild... Well it was a BMX track that was being built, There were two jumps that were actually built. So we said we will come back to it later. Now we look around and see that there is a fence all the way around this place. How do you fricken get to this damn skatepark? Well it took a few trys but you had to go AROUND the back of the puilding to get there. The skate park was hella fun and well worth it. So we rode there until it was dark. Then we decide to go play on the BMX track. It was fun. Except in the dark, i found that i have poor depth perception... I found this out because i tried a 270 hip... and fell. I got the end of my bars in my leg and that hurt. So we call it a night and head to my sisters to eat/watch OC. So we get there and i offer to make KD because we all know that i am the only one with formal cooking training and experince. BUT NO... My sis decides to take us out to dinner for my Bday. I said to her: "Heather, your letting us stay here, want to repay your gratitude" Heather: "Well Jeff, it's your birthday and i'll take you out for dinner... you better take it because your not gettign anything else". So with this display of Sister-ly love i accepted.

After a delicios Chicken Quasidilla we went back to Heather's and watched the OC. Now here is a personal delima i came across. With Sarah, i got addicted to the OC, but she started me off on the first season... BUT she picked up and moved away before i could see the rest of the first season. So i was in quite the conundrum. But it all worked out... I fell asleep during the show.

So after a refreshing Power nap. Sean and i go to ride the U of L. I honestly have to say that at the U of L we walked more then rode. You see the U of L is built in a coulee. So we coasted all the way down... And parked all the way at the top. So we definatly got a nice little work out. It was VERY disapointing.

So we herd that there was some awesome street riding downtown. We go down town... or so we thought...the LB isn't that big of place...DT in LB isn't like Calgary. Not even close. So we stopped at a 7Eleven to ask directions to go DT. She laughs at us "City Boys" and we were on our way. We drive and park DT and we get out and start riding around. And we notice that there is NOTHING to ride... absolutely nothing to ride. So we think there has GOT to be something. We pass by this bench and then we start grinding it. Then we realize that THIS was the best street riding that LB has to offer.

After being disapointed till like 1 we went home and busted out the first season of the OC. Heather was in bed... She has a job to go to in the morening. So Sean and i turn ir down and watch the lives of some interesting teens unfold. As the theme song fills my heart with thought of teen drama i realize that i feel guilty... like i took candy from a baby... like i cheated on a GF...The OC is not the same with out Sarah... I definatly felt bad. I miss that kid.

After watching Oliver get his crazy ass arrested we called it a night.

So i told my sis to wake me up when she leaves for work at 7 in the am. Cuz then Sean and i can get ready, eat and go riding by 9. That way we can have a nice long session.... She woke me up... I think i might have said words, but i just went right back to bed. Sean woke me up at 11 and we were out the door by 11:15. We got to the skatepark and there were only like 5 or 6 grommets there otherwise it was empty. The good thing about Grommets is that A) The respect anyone wo is better then them. 2) They stay in a group and stay in one area c) Once you bust out a trick and they see, then will get the hell out of your way when you are riding a line.

So Sean and i do some tricks. Sean and his Hips, 180 to roll-back, and Spine, Definatly got their attention. I was doing some 180s to fall down, 180 tailtaps, Fufanous, Grinding, and tabling off the pyramid. And just to show off i tried a couple of double bar spins...(only got one and a half).
Pics of the Riding:
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After riding park and the BMX track we headed home aty like 120 or so.

So i had to work at 5 today... I got home at 430 showered, Changed and got to work on time. I gotta say that i am lookin forward to some SLEEP.

After work, I got out of the shower and i looked at my phone and i saw that i had some Text Messages. I read them and i had to laugh because it was Telus wishing me a happy birthday and that io get free calls on my bday. I thought that was a nice gesture.

Currently: One more day till my Bday


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