Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Happy Birthday Steve

Today's Song: Linkin Park - Faint

So, Staurday. I was all excited for Steve's goin away party. Where's he goin? He's goin DOWN UNDER. Anyways, So, Dan and i decide we'll go take the bus up to Crowfoot hit the liquer store then take a bus to dalhousie and walk to Steves. No problem right? Well the 50min wait for the bus put us off, Do Dan called Brennen who agreed to give us a ride. So we headed over to Wendy's and grabbed some food. We ate, then waited, Then decided to shot gun a beer. Brennen pulled up shortly after. Then down to tylers. Waited there for a bit, Dan and i shotgunned another beer. Now go and pick up Darti and Jesse, After getting them we are off to steve's

We show up, Steves extended family is there. And i get introduced around. Steve's mom has us sign a flag that Steve is taking with him. So i sign happily: "Happy Birthday Steven, Jeff Macarone". So Dan says: "Hey Jeff Why did you write happybirthday? It's not his birthday". WOW did i feel like a moron. So now i run away and start drinking. I had one beer then Dan wants me to go shotgun another, Then i ask Bow for a Redbull and Vodka, Then i have to shotgunn another, and another....

It's about now that i annot remember alot. But i remember sitting outside puking alot. Then i came inside and puked in the bathroom, Then i was thrown into the bathtub and people put stuff on me and took Pics. I remember puking in the bathtub too.

Then i'm sure i stumbled around and made an ass outof myself some more and then puked some more. FUCK i do not know what did me in. But it'll be a little while before beer will hit these lips.

So Anyways, I remember being outside puking and Steve's dad picking me up and taking me inside. And i step inside and i was about to puke when before i knew it i had my head in the sink. Quick acting on Mr. Potter's part. Then he walks me to the couch to sleep it off. So from then till about 1130 the next morning i slept.

I woke because my phone rang. It was my mother asking Where the hell i was. I told her i was at steves. Then she yelled at me and told me to get my ass home. So i was like Yea i'm on my way. Then i passed out for a while. Then woke up around 1230 and stepped into steves room where Brennen and Steve are chillin out. Later they tell me about how wasted i was. I had to cut their stories short because i went up to the bathroom to dry heave. After that i came down stairs and saw some of the pics of me passed out in the bathtub.

After that Brennen gave me a ride home and i went downstairs into my bathroom, Puked. Then went to bed and passed out for a good few hours.

You ask: Why tell this embarassing story?... Because if i don't then someone else will. And don't drink Redbull and Vodka....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha sounds like quite the night Jeff.


9:08 AM  
Blogger E said...

Aww shiiiet. That's a whoooole lotta puking.

That's the Jeff I know. I'm impressed.

10:28 PM  
Blogger Justin said...

What?? Redbull + Vodka = The Win

1:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeffrey needs to learn to hold his liqour!!
And you forgot to mention the shotgun at Brennen's car surgeory and the anonymous nipple licking.

Signed, Daniel

5:56 PM  

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