Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Dickie Experiments.

Today's Song: Distillers - Drain The Blood

"All my friends are murder
All my bones are marrows in
All these fiends want teenage meat
All my friends are murderers"

Did nothing, till like 7 or 730, When Dickie, Kevin Justin and i went to Dinner at Montannas. After eating Justing went home, He has some schoolin to do tomorrow. Then Kevin Dickie and i played GTA: San Andreas. It was hella fun. Just going on a Chainsaw killing spree. PLaying with a Sawed-off Shotty and whatnot. Definatly had fun shooting Dickie with the BB Gun. I'm sure he enjoyed it just as much.

So, when we grabbed the game from his house. I decided to put an end to the stories. Which Stories you ask? Well there have been some Rumors floating around that Dickie has had a love affair with Dingo... His Dog. Well I have Photographic Evidence to put this story to rest.

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As you can see his hand has wandered on to the "Doggy Booty"... We have had our Experts here examine this pic and have come to the conclusion that Dickie has used this same maneuver on most all Human females he has dated. They figure that Dickie is currently "Practicing" with Dingo so as to sastisfy his Girlfriends. We suspect that Dingo also taught Dickie to kiss aswell.

I have been trying to steal this pic for a LONG... LONG time now. And FINALLY i have it.... Well i stole and Scanned it. But a Digital copy is enough for me.

Well Dickie...

Your a SICKO.

~Good Night


Blogger Justin said...

Wait wait, Dingo? I thought the dogs name was Lauren?

10:41 AM  

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