Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Lactic Acid = Ouch

Today's Song: My Chemical Romance - Hang 'em High

"Wait until it fades to black.
Ride into the sunset.
Would I lie to you?
Well, I've got something to say.
Grab your six gun from your back.
Throttle the ignition.
Would I die for you?
Well, here's your answer in spades.

Shotgun sinners, wild-eyed jokers.
Got you in my sights.
Gun it while I'm holding on. "

Well, Didn't do anything last night, just cahtted and whatnot. Watched Collateral. I fell asleep towards the end. And i woke up to miss the whole ending.... So aftwe having this nap i wasn't tired at all and porceeded to watch lota of TV and stayed up way too late. So i pretty much woke up just before school.

So, chatted to Sarah for like 10 min... So she went and shot a rifle today. Kinda sad about it, but i cannot hold her back from wicked experinces like that.

Went to class. Saw mike as he was Leaving. Wasn't soo bad today, it went by really quickly and i got out early. While i was in class i noticed that my pocket started to vibrate.... I liked it... SO i let it go and i didn't answer. At the break i checked my voice mail and Aaron a former Joey's employee called and wanted to go biking. I was totally down. But i wanted to Call Candice. She had tests, and was too koo to come over... Maybe it was the fact that i invited her over to fix my bike... Ah well.

So Milly it is. Got home at like 7. Threw on the DJ3, Rode to Dalhousie, Took the train to Milly. There wasn't anything i NEEDED to do or try. So it was just playing around, on the usual stuff, with some Disasters too. Rode milly for a while rode down town for a while. Took the train back to Dalhousie and then rode home.

Frick i am one tired kid. I know i am out of shape. But having a single speed AND brakes that are rubbing didn't help. The whole way home my legs were going Crazy, Burning like hell. I think i might have been riding alot lately and i can tell by the fact that EVERYTHING is sore... I finally got home at like 1130.

Tomorrow: Go to bank, Go to Bow, Take Mom to lunch, work 5 - 8.

Almost forgot:
So Sarah's Roomate at Uni has a Blog and i read it to find out what Sarah has been up to.... So here are some Pics from Megan Ziarek's Blog

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I DO NOT know what they teach at that school... But if it involves Girls in their Underwear i like!

~Good Night


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my, no one was supposed to see those, LOL


10:35 AM  
Blogger Justin said...

Sarah is cooler than Jeff.

Tight underwear AND rifles?
Not that I'd like to see jeff in tight underwear.

10:54 AM  

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