Saturday, May 06, 2006

So i'm Alive

Today's Song: Chuch Norris - Eyes Of A Ranger

"In the eyes of a ranger,
The unsuspected stranger
Had better know the truth of wrong from right,
Cuz the eyes of a ranger are upon you,
Any wrong you do he's gonna see,
When youre in Texas look behind you,
Cuz that's where the rangers are gonna be"

So, now that school is over i have pretty much fallen off the face of the earth.

On thurs of the last week of school we had to hand in the music video. and i we had done all the cutting the day before, all it needed was the music. so we saved and called it a night.

The next day i try and open the files but they are Corrupted. So i quickly re edit it and then i go to export it. It says it's gonna take like 4 hours. FUCK THAT. Dickie Eric Justing and i had planned on going to the range after i was done school so i had to leave. I would have gotten my group members to baby sit it but i couldn't get ahold of them. So when i finally get ahold of one of them he says he can't because he's working on another project... So i pretty much tell him that i'm leaving and he better take care of it. To put it mildly i was furious.

So i left school took the train and met up with the guys at Heritage [it's by the edge so i could pick up my guns] and we were off. LONG story short... It was awesome. Dickie is a 12 guage Lumber Jack. Here are Eric's Pics

So the flames didnt make it past round one. that sucks. It was a blast hangin out with everyone drinking.

Joined a new shooting range. It's outdoor and awesome. Now i can finally shoot past 50 yards. The other day i was shooting at 100 yards, i had 4 inch groups with the iron sights.

Then on the pistol range i was shooting at multipul targets. IT WAS AWESOME. Now i'm really jazzed to get my holster course.

So i don't have a job... So if anyone needs a Media Designer let me know.



Blogger Kim said...

I'm glad you are alive!

4:10 PM  
Blogger Justin said...

I need the video's off of your camera.

3:55 AM  

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