Sunday, June 11, 2006


Today's Song: AFI - Mis Murder

"Hey Miss Murder can I?
Hey Miss Murder can I ?
Make beauty stay if I
Take my life?"

So i applogise for the lack of posts. I really havn't been doing anythign like the old posts of yester-year. But i do owe it to those of you who do actually still check up on my Blog from time to time.

So what to say?

Work... I am currently employed as a Bike Mehcanic at Sports Traders in Crowfoot. When i got hired they said they'd start me at $7 and increase as i do better. Well my first paycheck said $8 on it and i was happy. A few days later the owner pulls me aside and tells me he's bumping me up to $10 and that i was worth every penny. So i'm pretty stoked about that.

With my first paycheck i went and got some new cranks. The check was for $385 and some change, and i expected to pay that for new cranks and BB. But once i got to Bowcycle and checked out what they had i found what i wanted for $99 which was awesome. So after playing some frisbee and throwing rocks into the river. We went to my house so i could put my new parts on. Turns out you need more then a hammer and screwdriver to put it in. So i went in to work and borrowed their tools and put it in.

After all that work i was mighty hungry so we went to the new dynasty buffet and went all out. Once it hurt to eat.... It was time for Desert.

Can't remember what happened much after that... Cuz it happened a while ago.

I've been to Milly on my new cranks and i effed up my knee. I didn't fall on it or anything, it just started hurting so i hope that goes away fast.

The other day Dickie and i were playing Frisbee infront of my house and i thre it to him and it slid along the ground. Dickie went to put his foot down to stop it but he stepped on it and slid. He stumbled and went down i'm sure the people in the passing cars laughed at him. So when Dickie stomped on it he cracked it, So it must be repaired. I grabbed some Duct Tape and went to town. So i covered the whole thing in tape. It's all heavy now but still flys well.

So the other night Megan [a server i worked with at Joeys] wanted to come shooting. So Dickie Justing and i took her to the Edge and blasted away. After we went to BPs for dinner and had a heel of a time we were there for a few hours. It was awesome.

There are no customer bikes to work on so i have been going to work... building some new bikes or doing busy work. then sitting around for an hour or so and then going home early. So it's pretty koo.

So tonight i went and saw The Omen:
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It was alright, some really koo scenes. Bad ending though.

Dickie and i were were plqayin Frisbee tonight and he hit his car and then he hit himself in the head.

I laughed.

Good Night


Blogger Kim said...

It's about time you finally decided to update! hahaha

7:19 PM  
Blogger Justin said...


4:17 AM  

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