Friday, February 16, 2007

Sorry, it's been a very VERY long time

Today's Song: Rise Against - State Of The Union

" State of the union address,
reads war torn country still a mess
the words: power, death, and distorted truth
are read between the lines of the red, white, and blue"

So it has been ever so long since i last updated here. I'm gonna have to read my last post so i know where to catch you up from.

Ok, so i did the make up assignment, and i think things are going well. I no longer have a job, but it feels kinda liberating having a bit more free time.

I say "a bit more" because while school it piling on projects as normal, we not only have to get our shit together for a showcase of our work at the end of the year but we have to make the damn it happen, i mean plan it and everything. ASWELL AS i have to do 96 hours of practicum work.

Yes i have found a practicum, i am working [for free] for a non profit group. So yea i'm not gonna have any cash, but it'll look awesome on a resume. Plus the guy i am working for is super nice and is interested in us gaining experince. I guess i should mention this. I was all worried that i'd have to make a GREAT portfolio and then go into some big office and do an interview, but here i didn't have to do any of that and i am going to work with a friend of mine from class. which is sweet.

I have been out snowboarding once this year, and after i finish this post i will be going out again. One thing i am super stoked about is that Kev Kate Dickie lauren are all down for hitting up COP sometime. This makes me extreamly happy because everyone knows that going with a big group of people is the funnest thing.

At school i joined a dodgeball team [Team .hitTest - it's actionscript code, yea we are geeks] so far we havn't won any games which makes me a little un happy because i'm so used to winning >like Bowness Football.

I have som plans to pain my bike so i thin i should get started on that so by the time the snow melts i can be good to go.

I'm trying to revamp, you can see my work in progross here If you think it needs a little something or you have something USEFUL to mention to me, please let me know.

I think this post if running out of steam here so i will go make my lunch and i will try and post more often.


Saturday, January 20, 2007

Funny Comic

Free Image Hosting at

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Drunken poster Hidden Post?

Today's Song: Rise Against - Ready To Fall

"I'm standing on a rooftop ready to fall (ready to fall)
I'm think I'm at the edge now but I could be wrong
I'm standing on a rooftop ready to fall"

So as i sit her d as f. If you don't know what that means maybe you should ask someone cooler than you.

ANYWHO. The other day i got a check and it needed cashing. My bank has one of the most pleasent people working. So I walk in Kim sees me and says: "Wait a sec and i'll help you" So i step aside and she helps me out with her Shadower watching and learning. It's good to have a friend some where un expected.

I have quit work because my instructor has given me a make-up assignment worth 2% so i can come back to 4th semister. So assuming i pass this assignment i am back to normal. AWESOME.

My schedual is pretty awesome. NO CLASSES ON FRIDAY!!!! It's soo sweet.

Anywho the reason why i am drunk is because tonight was kev's Bday at Bugaboos, I drank at least 2 or 3 pitchers to myself. I FOUND a jacket simmilar to mine and took the liner because i had lost mine.

Anywho, I have the hiccups something Crazy.


Friday, January 05, 2007

Happy 07

Today's Song: Rise Against - Prayer Of The Refugee

"Don’t hold me up now,
I can stand my own ground,
I don’t need your help now,
You will let me down, down, down!"

Sorry readers, i have not been posting at all. I feel like bad about it.

So i guess the biggest news is that i failed a class this semister and can't finish the program untill i have completed it. The zinger is that it's only offered in the september semister. In the meantime i will get my 92 hours of practicum done.

On a happier note:
my Lee Enfield Enforcer which was busted is busted no longer. I took it to a gun smith yesterday and be put on a new bolthead which is longer then the one it came with. So now when i fire it cases aren't breaking off inside. I was shooting groups under an inch at 50 yards.

Final Costs Tally:

Lee Enfield L42A1 Enforcer

Ralph Check $400.00
No.4 Mk.1 $85.00
Scope $99.95
ScopeMount $79.99
Bipod $92.00
New Bolt Head $40.00
Wood*Accs. -$110.00
Money Left -$106.94

So basically i paid $106.94 fo a bad ass rifle. Thanks Ralph.

While i was at the Gunsmith he said to get some new ammo shoot it and bring it back for him to take a look at. But his shop didn't have any .303 brit. So we head up to wholesale sports and start looking at all their guns, Two rifles pop out to me, one sporterized No.4 and a No.5 Jungle Carbine. So i ask the nice gun salesman if i can hold it,. So i am drooling over this gun, and i hand it to my dad to see, and i look at the price expecting a larger number. I am surprised to see it's only $249. I mention this to my dad because every other No.5 we have seen has been well over $400. So dad looks at me and says: "Well, lets get it. But DO NOT tell your mother.". So i whip out my firearms licence faster than you can blink. And now i am the proud owner of a Lee Enfield N0.5 Mk.1 Jungle Carbine. See Pics Below:

A couple of sweet events this month marked on my Calander:

Jan 24 - Rise Against/Billy Talent/Moneen/Antiflag - I'm SUPER looking forward to this

Jan 30 - Goin to a Flames Game with Dickie my sis and Lauren/I'M TURNING 21!!

Dickie and i have been playing hockey a bunch and thats super fun. The other day i dropped gloves with Dickie. He has perfected the art of falling to the ice and getting into the fetal position OR falling onto his back and kicking and flailing his skate blades at you.

Tomorrow i get to go into work on my day off to work on a bunch of snowboards and skis. You see, i'm sopost to do them, but because they rather have me sharpen skates then do boards and let them all pile up till the day they are due. pisses me off. I'm just gonna go in, only do the boards and then leave.

Any who, Thats my update.


Saturday, November 25, 2006


Today's Song: Jakalope - Anthem 2

" No such thing as mistaken
Just learn from what you're takin'
And oh be your own strength
your own destination
When you stand on belief
tower over defeat
Stand up you were born for this"

So, what to say?

Went to a Flames game with Dickie. IT FUCKING ROCKED. 4 - 1 for us. We got right drunk off 4.5 beers. Dickie forgot the words to O, Canada. I got a whole beer spilt on me.

After stumbling out of the saddle Dome we headed to 17th. We never made it there. We did stop a fight, well not "WE" more like I and Dickie watched. then we stumbled around some more. Met a british guy, who had button things on his shoulders. Found a spiderman Action Figure which now is sitting on my monitor keeping my room free from the evils of Dr. Octapus.

We did finally make it to 17th.... but as soon as we got there we grabbed a cab home.

At Dickie's place, We watched some TV. When lauren went to the washroom Dickie told me to get into her bed and scare her because she had just been dreaming about Zombies. So she walks in her room gets into bed and starts to pull the covers up when i wisper: "Hey" she let out the biggest scream and then punched me in the nuts.

I was in pain but i was laughing really hard. Then Dickie started having some sort of Giggle fit.

We have been playing alot of hockey lately so that effin fun, everyone is having a blast.

I finally got some REAL webspace You can find me at It's still a work in progress. It's gonna be an online protfolio, it's a school project.

After signing up for my webspace. i decided to add a pocket to my Jacket. You see, i am an avid iPod user, and having the headphones outside your jacket is a pain for many reasons. And my only internal pocket is only accesible by opening my jacket up, letting the cold in. So i looked at it and decided that i needed to make some changes. There is a flap that is buttoned closed over the zipper, so iwent under the flap, cut a hole to where the pocket is and cut into the pocket, then i took a fly from some old pants and i began to sew it all up. It dosn't look professional, but works perfectly. What i can do now is, put my iPod in that pocket, run the earphones on the inside of my jacket, and then still manipulate it from the outside with out undoing my zipper.



Friday, November 10, 2006

Sorry Again

Today's Song: AlexisonFire - Keep It On Wax

"Times change and people change with them
Some people love to play the victim
Love to play the victim"

I saw Flags Of Our Fathers the other day and i was awesome, Very well filmed and great story. I was worried that it wouldn't have any action in it but it did and i was verry happy with it.

I have been quite busy with school crap.

A bunch of us have gotten hocky gear and are planning to get a shinny game started, so i'm super stoked about that.

My sister's b-day is comin up and we are goin to the olive garden so that'll be awesome. Dickie said he'd go halfsies on a gift for her with me, but i have no idea what to effin get her.

So when i was goin to work today i almost slipped and broke my ass. It made me think that winter is definatly here now. And when i got to work... i waxed two snowboards. I am pretty stoked for this time of year, it seems like there are a bunch of people who will want to go skating and snowboarding.

Oh yea, at work the ex-GF came it, that was less-than awesome.

I've been watching Over There, a show about soldiers in Iraq, and with some recent youtube views i've been thinking about war and what it must be like to be in the middle of it on either side.

Thats all


Friday, October 20, 2006

Dual Pistols

Today's Song: Robbie Williams - Angels

"And through it all she offers me protection
A lot of love and affection"

Saw School For Scoundrels tonight, it was funny and i really liked it.

Dickie and i went shooting, Look up Gumbi243 on YouTube to see them [i just uploaded them so they arn't viewable yet]

They are vids of us shooting dual pistols... it's sooo sweet.

I got a new hoodie, it looks sweet.

I'm pretty tired so i think i'll be hittin the sac early tonight.
