Sunday, September 17, 2006

Got Wood?

Today's Song: Punjabi MC - Buzzin'

I can't find any lyrics...

I saw the Protector on friday night... Kinda dozed off during it. But what i did see was effin sweet. I think i'm gonna have to go see it again.

Saturday was the gun show. Dickie slept over because we were leaving pretty early. This time his window didn't get smashed in.

We went there and like always it was effin packed. Seriously every stereo-type red neck was there. I mean the over weight pick-up drivin' gun freak. I on the other hand was looking for the Wood stock for my Enforcer. You see at the Easter gun show there was a guy who was selling Lee Enfield wood but he didn't have anythig nice at that show. So we got his card so we could check out what he had later. We called like 4 times maybe? So we walk up to his table and i start looking through the wood and other bits that i am looking for. He turns to us and he recognises us and we start chatting it up and he helps me pick out some matching wood and whatnot. He said he knew a guy who made the cheek pad and he got some of them, but they were still rough, like 70% - 80% done. So i grabbed one of those too. I need to do some sanding and then stain it to match the other wood and then i'll be done.

So when i got home i put all the wood on and i looked bad ass. Then i had second thoughts about cutting down the new wood. But i thought about it and realized that i do already have a full mill-spec Lee Enfield, and i did want to make an Enforcer. So i made the decision to cut the wood down. It shouldn't be too hard. Just cut the wood about an inch infront of the band and then sand it smooth.

So now i have everything that i need to finish this project.
Cost Total:
Lee Enfield L42A1 Enforcer

Ralph Check $400.00
No.4 Mk.1 $85.00
Scope $99.95
ScopeMount $79.99
Bipod $92.00
Wood*Accs. -$110.00
Money Left -$66.94

So it appears that i am $67 over budget. But when you think that i got a free $400 just for living in this fine province then my rifle cost me $67. So thats koo.

Um... Here are some pics of everything.

This is with the all the wood on:

Close Up:

Here is the Cheekpad i got:

With my other Lee Enfield:

Here is it taken apart, a Naked Enfield if you will:

Some of the parts that are taken off:

This is kinda what it'll look like when finished:

This is what i want it to look like, You'll notice that the bayonet lugs are cut off. I don't plan on doing that:

Thats All.



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