Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Bobble Head

Today's Song: Billy Talent - River Below

Today i woke up mowed the lawn, That was fun. Then i just hung out because i had nothing to do and the GF was workin. So then Mikey comes along and was like "Come to COP" and i was all like"Werd" So we rode down there and went to the trials park and played around. I wasn't too stoked about just hitting the trials park because it can get old fast but i had a blast. I tryed some new stuff, I tried a pedal stall on the QP of the box....I fell soo many times trying this....Never landed one. Then i tryed to air out of the QP and i was doin decent for not being a park rider. Lastly i gapped this lenthy gap that was a bunch of palets lined up with one side propped up for a little boost it was maybe 9 feet? it was big. So then the chair lift was shut down because of the weather, so we got some free H2O and waited around a bit then we got a ride up from Mikey's friend. Werd to that guy.

So we are up top of COP and it hella windy.....Perfect for jumping. I took a couple nice sets on the mediums then checked out this HUGE booter hip monster..... We'll just call it: "THE JUMP OF DEATH!" So i try it once pretty slow and woot it wasn't bad. Then again faster and Woot i went higher and it was funner. Then my third try i tried to step it up and it was like a 12 foot step up action..... So being the smart kid that i am i bomb at this JUMP OF DEATH and i totally eat shit and died. When i was in the air my back wheel got popped up and i nose dived into the landing. I pretty much just dropped like a sack of shit. I nailed my head on the ground and it hurt lots. When i got up i her them yelling: "Are you ok".....I was winded and couldn't answer so i just waved my hands around and picked up my bike and walked back up. The whole time from when i crashed to whern i got to the top i couldn't see stright and i was all dizzy. Yay Concussion! So i'm sitting here at 12:07 Blogging to all my fans to let you know that i am alright and you don't have to worry. Yea my head still hurts like a MOFO but hey i got a koo cracked helmet to remember this occasion. Now i have to go and spend another $20 to replace my helmet, I guess for my head it's worth EVERY PENNY of that $20.

I'm kinda sad that i havn't seen HER today, Yea i know she's busy and has things to do but i'm lonely....


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