Monday, July 19, 2004

Done and Done

Today's Song: Presidents of the United States of America - Mach 5

So, Work eh?...I guess i'm climbing the Corperate ladder, cuz today i was working on the Grill!!.....P.S I applogize for any bad food you might have eaten because i my bad cooking sklills. So we use this metal bowl to cover the burgers on the grill so the cheese will melt faster and i stupidly grabbed it with my hand and burn the shit outta my thumb....I deserve it.

So work is work.....BORING. Before goin to work i went over to Vanessa's house with Dickie and Megan and we hung out there for a while it was fun, laughed about some of their roadtrip antics and whatnot. So then went to work...bleh

After work is where it gets interesting....

So i told HER that i wanted to see her when i was done work, and she said "Yea thats koo". The whole time i am at work Dickie is like: "Dude, she's starting to get annoyed that you havn't asked her out yet, You should ask her out tonight because she'll say yes.....tomorrow the answer will be fuck off".....hahaha We can ALWAYD trust Dickie for good advice.

So SHE came over tonight and we watched a movie and laughed and whatnot. When she had to go, i walked her to her car and said: " i had alot of fun tonight and i'd like to be your boyfriend" wo which she replys: "Yea, I'd like that".

WOOT.... Jeff = Happy, i am soo happy i cannot wait to see her again


Blogger E said...

Gimmie an F, gimmie an I, gimmie an N-A-L-L-Y.

lol, just joshing ya. Hooray for Jeff, he's all grown up now.

2:04 AM  

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