Sunday, July 04, 2004

Evan is Full of advice

Today's Song: Bush X - Machinehead

I'm sorry for the this boring Blog today...I didn't actually do anything today.

Man, I'm a Lazy ass. I only left the house once today to go and get dinner. I was soo bored today that i actually started to Defragment my Hard Drive...I KNOW!...So after completeing this Defrag i went and watched some TV...And the lame thing was that there was nothing on. So i came back to the comp, and Re-installed Battlefield 1942 because it was being ghey and loading SUPER slow.

SO that brings us to around 11:30 in the PM. and i'm sitting here chatting to my friends, and Robo brings up a good point... Well before that i gotta fill you in a bit because this is a MSN convo we had.

Whenever Robo wants me to try some new trick or jump or something on the Bike he ALWAYS says: "Macarone, Do it or i won't give you a ride home"...And i gotta say that most of the time it works, So this the same when it came to me hitting the Mediums so here it is:

2 more days biatttttcccchhh! says:
so how's life in the megan land
G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [] says:
Not bad, the health care is wicked
2 more days biatttttcccchhh! says:
thats what i like to hear, dude you should get her to read your blog then she relly knows whats going on
G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [] says:
G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [] says:
Well i found out the other day that she has read it
G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [] says:
But she hasn't daid anything to me about it
2 more days biatttttcccchhh! says:
well that good
2 more days biatttttcccchhh! says:
oh thats not
G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [] says:
2 more days biatttttcccchhh! says:
i say you talk to her, in my life as a pimp it's better to get it out n the open it's lke biking you just have to hit the "mediums" so to say
G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [] says:
G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [] says:
What a way to put it
2 more days biatttttcccchhh! says:
so all i have to say macaronie is hit the mediums or i wont give you a ride home

Well Robo your right...But your timing is Shitty, i wish you would have told me this earlier because it is 11:51 in the PM and it's too late to call her and tell her how i feel...So maybe she's reading this.

So i plan to call her tomorrow and see if i can work up the courage and tell her how i feel and ask her how she feels about this Blog.

Wish me luck...


Blogger E said...

Duck and cover. I don't know what that means, it was the first thing that came to my head.

12:06 AM  

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