Saturday, July 03, 2004

Thank You Dickie

Today's Song: Iron Maiden - Run To The Hills

FINALLY got that interview and i got the job!!!. I was soo nervous about it, Dickie was having a good time laughing at me about it..."Hey Jeff, What's up? Your nervous or something?"...shit, once i saw him i just started to freak out, But all n' all it wasn't bad at all. One of Dickie's Server friends was peaking around the corner at me and i had to try soo hard to stop from laughing, but once it was done it was all good. SOO relieved.

After that i took Dickie to lunch because i'm such a good person...hahaha. Got the same thing as always (Chicken Quasidilla YUM)I gotta admit that i celebrated by getting the Gueomole with my Quasidilla. So we sat there talking about life, Work, Girls, and then Transformers came on the TV so i had a blast watching that on the tube.

Last night was fun, I hadn't ridden the bike in forever so i went riding at around 8 or so... and i get out by huskey and we start playing around in the dirt there and then *SPLASH* it's like a trential down pour. So i stayed a bit hoping the rain would stop, but is just started getting worse and then the Lightning and thunder started, i gotta say that i've never been scared of being hit by lightning before, but standing in an open lot holding shovels wans't the best idea, and the thunder was soo loud you could tell the storm was right over head. It was amazing and terrifying all at once.

Once i dryed off i watched Lost in Translation ( i gotta say i watch alot of movies...I'm a Movie slut) It was funny, the ending was a bit lame, but it was good. Also last night i finished watching Band Of Brothers, it's an HBO mini series about the 101st airbourn division, Easy Company in WW II, it is amazingly filmed and it is soo intense. Even if you are not interested in WW movies you should check this out becasue it is soo amazing. Once i was done watching it i felt like i knew all the men who were in the show, And i felt sad everytime one of the men died. I feel so lucky that i live in a peaceful time and i do not have to go off into a horrible war. I cannot say enought good things about this series.

So before my interview today i go and play with My Bike , i have to say that my bike is like therapy for me, No matter what i am feeling once io hop on the bike and ride around i ALWAYS feel better after. So there i am playing with my bike to calm myself down and i decide to take off my fork to show some Grom how easy it is too take it off, so i remove the fork and find that my bering are fucked and they are like death. Like i always do, i just grabbed what i needed off some other bike laying around to fix mine. So as i just get everything back together i notice that it's not spinning well and it's kinda sticking in some places...Dickie calls and says he's comin to take me to my interview, so i just had to drop that and go.

So, I think now i'll call HER and tell her the good news, and then i'll go fix my bike AGAIN...


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