Friday, July 23, 2004


Today's Song: Papa Roch - She loves me not

So, i realize that i have to go to work in an hour and Dickie is gonne pick me up so i run into the shower and i come out (Luckily dressed) and that pervert Dickie is sitting on the couch watching TV, Oddly enough we just say: "Werd" to eachother and i walk into my room to put pants on.

Worked untill 10 YAY, then Dickie ditched to go hump his GF and whatnot (Fries Supreme!). So the Woo and i decide to go get some good eatin. Dickie dropped me off at the Woo's and he said that Jamie an OLD friend from Jr. High wanted to do something and i was excited because this is a perfect chance to catch up and do some much needed hangin out. It was alot of fun, Eric sexually assulted out waitress. Then we had some Desert, and Jamie HINTED at us so she went home to bed, While the Woo and i headed over to another late night spot.....TIMMY'S. So we pull up right infront and the guy next to us is just leaving. Eric the nice guy that he is waits for the guy to get in the car and then we get out, Eric locks the doors and we walk to the door of Timmy's when i ask: " Is the Engine still running?" and Eric replys: "OH FUCK!" and lunges at his can to find that he locked his keys in the car with the car running. So he calls up the Large bro (Ryan) to come with the spare set of keys, and Eric treats him to a coffee. Then while talking about what us manly men chat about (Girls).....a big mofo of a moth flys over head and Eric jumps and freaks out. We try to keep talking but the Monster moth is sitting over my head on the wall. To Eric's delight i was able to capture it in my empty hot chocolate cup....hahaha. Then we just set it ring infron of Eric and watched him squirm.

The topics of your conversations ranged from: Girls, to Guns, to cars, to jobs, to movies, and back to Girls. As the sun started to rise, now being 5:30 in the am which made me realize that i hand't been homein 12 hours kinda made me laugh. Now being home at 6:22 in the am and having to get up for work in 11 hours makes me think how lucky i am to have a GF......Even though i havn't seen her in like three days, I know it sounds corny but when i'm not with her i'm thinking about her. I can't wait to take her out somewhere special soon.


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