Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Sorry About That

Today's Song: Dave Mathews Band - Two Step

Lets start with a re-cap of the events from my last post......NOTHING.

Now we can move on...So there i am thinking to myself "Man, She's soo beautiful...I want to Kiss her". I was thinking this as i was walking HER to her car and as we got there we were gazing up at the northern lights, I bet you are thinking "Hey Jeffrey you dipshit....Thats such a romantic atmosphere TOTALLY go for it"....Well so was i....Except i managed to mess it up. So we talk a bit and i tell her i want to make plans to take her out soon, and we check our scheduals and we pick out a day and it's going so well. We hug and hold eachother for a bit, (Here is the amusing part for some people...DICKIE) As we are letting go i try and give her a sweet little kiss on the cheek... So i frickin miss her cheek..... and i kinda kissed her ear..... Shit how embarassing is that eh? But i mean she didn't make it akward or anything. So then we said out god byes and she left. And i got to think and re-live this over and over again in my head. So i tell a few people and the first thing they all do is laugh, but i mean unless this has happened to you, You donot know how humiliating this is. So tonight when i was walking HER to her car i was thinking: "DON'T FUCK THIS UP!". Dickie and Vanessa were walking to Dickie's truck and they get into his truck (which is facing HER car and allows for a great view) As we huged i'm thinking: "KISS HER YOU DUMBSHIT!". we are standing there talking about our date and whatnot when i hear a distant muffled laughter, coming from a POS yellow truck and i imigine Dickie saying something along the lines of: "Ten bucks says he misses..." What an asshole.....SO after having the mood TOTALLY ruined by good old Dickie i said good bye and walked away sadly.

Fuck, Dickie is an asshole.

So, i'd like you the reader to post and tell me some of the "Kissing
Disasters" you have experinced....If you want post Anonymously...


Blogger E said...

Couldn't tell ya, man. :P

On another note.... FUCK. ASKDHAJDHLUAFSGDFY! :(

3:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In junior high I bumped teeth with a guy that I kissed.

10:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This one time I was with my lover, Sheba. She carressed my thigh as we lay motionless in a field of lilacs. Amoung the eldaberries and babys breath, drenched in honeysuckle, we both gazed upon each other's magnificant beauty. The mood for love making was upon us and floated carelessly above our bodies. With hands together and bodies pressed tightly, the aroma of sugarplums teased our present state of intertwinement. Just as the fireflies and doves flew away in a swarm of sheer excitment, and the idea of love-making was about to commence, i found myelf in a state of pure of inability. Little George Washington was sleeping and the candy shop was closed for business. I didn't enjoy his present attitiude. Whenever the little soldier trudged along the frontline, I find myself alone with only the call of a few tiny crickets and the helpess sigh of a tumbleweed. Like early in the morn, waking up to a pitched tent, with a bladder full of urine and a penis full of boner. It never ends i mind you.

1:58 AM  

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