Saturday, August 07, 2004

World: 1...Jeff: 0

Today's Song: Blink 182 - Stockholm Syndrome

So, Went to see The Village with Megan on Thurs, Meh...i was disapointed with the movie. I had hoped for soo much more. Ah well, i had good company to talk about how it could have been better.

Have you ever had one of those days where it seems like everyone is out to get you?.... Thats been my week. I mean i don't want to offend anyone with this post, people are going to have days where they are gonna be in a shitty mood. The last couple of days have seemed like everyone is coming down on me. I hate to bitch like this.... But i mean what else is a Blog for right?

So it seems as of late i've just been saying the right things to push peoples buttons. Like i'll ask someone a innocent question and i'll somehow piss them off and it'll start an arguement. Or i'll tell someone how i feel and i'm just trying to get things off my chest and then i'll get their oppinion and i disagree and then it'll start another arguement, Or i'll make a stupid comment (which happends ALOT) and people will jump down my throat about it. I mean with strangers i couldn't care less but this is happening with the people i care about, My friends and i mean I'm sure they don't know that they are doing it, because they are totally not the kind of people to just look for a way to hurt someone's feelings. But i mean it just feels like i've been singled out and it's the worst feeling.

If anyone is reading this and is offended please don't be. I totally don't hold it against you and i'm not trying to bitch you out.

All i can think of is how can i make myself feel better....MY BIKE.... But shit, at the moment right now it's awaiting some tuning. See, i know how to true wheels and repack bearings but when i took off my front wheel the axle was soo off center and it didn't spin....NOT GOOD. Mind you i'm not the easiest person on my bike, i ride hard. but i'm thinking i'll get some pros to fix her up for me so it'll be golden.

I can't wait to head down to Milly again because i'm soo happy with the new tricks i learned. Please contact me if you'd like to header down to Milly for a demo, I'm a bit of a show-off.

I'm thinking as soon as i can ride again i'll be able to take my mind off anything negative and everything will be soo much better, and the fact that i can FINALLY see Megan again. I gotta say, That girl is on my mind soo often.

Now i go to Denny's with Justin and Kevin....


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