Thursday, August 05, 2004

Burnt Out

Today's Song: Silverchair - Cemetery

So, my Mom left today to go visit my Grandma and We had to take her to the airport at 4 in the AM and i was all like Fuck it i'll stay up all night no biggie....SHIT

We drove her to the airport and everything and that went quick bacause we were not allowed past costoms, Dad treated me to a hot chcolate at Timmy's then we drove back to Denny's for some breakfast at 5:30 in the AM. The Superbird my personal faveroite.

Then Mike B and i got the bright idea to header to Milly (Milennium Park) So we rode from my house to Milly and were there around 8am or so we were shredding it up untill 2pm. It was awesome cuz i was thinking of all the crap i'd try and it turned out awesome.

Three new tricks were thrown down: 1) Grind the ledge from the bank
2) Grind the kinked Ledge on the fun box
3) Fast plant on the barriers from a bank

So it took me a couple of trys to get the grind down and then a shitload more to get off the ledge. So i was just hopping of the bank onto the ledge and then sliding then stopping and hopping back into the bank. The i got that dialed. Then i saw some guy grind the funbox ledge and i was like: "Werd!". So i finally worked up the balls to try it and it took me a hella long time to get the grind and then another 100 trys to land it, Mind you i had a couple of nice bails which i'm sure entertained everyone. So for this trick i'm goin off a jump..landing on mt bashguard and pedal with my front wheel on the ledge with my back wheel hangong off not touching the ground, then it goes from a flat ledge to angled downwards, This was the hardest part because it really fucked with your balance. But i landed that a bunch of times. The last it soo simple, it's a trick i've been able to do for a long time, but i tryed it comin off a bank and then hopping up 2 feet to where i stall and then i hopped back into the bank, it's just a fun trick.

Then i came home, ate, slept for like 30 min (BTW> at this point in the day i hadn't slept at all) then went to work.....I swear i thought i was gonna die, but it wasn't that bad.

All 'n all good day, but now i'm soo fuckin tired


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