Thursday, August 12, 2004

Uneventful Day

Today's Song: The Seatbelts - Tank!

So, i got up, ate, then went back to bed... Then got up again, Picked up my wheels from the shop (woot). BUT OH WAIT....Shit the Brake pads i got when i dropped them off didn't fit SO i can't ride just yet. So tomorrow i'll head down there return the ones i got and hope they have something i can use.

After that i took a little power nap, because it was DEFINATLY too hot out for me to go mow the lawn. So an hour or so later, i went out and mowed the lawn. The things that piss me off are the fact that there is all sorts of shit in the way, trees, flowerbeds, benches, SOO annoying. The fact the the POS electrical mower that i have to use won't cut the grass makes me mad too. So there i am almost done and then i notice the fucking mower is alot harder to push for some reasong and i look at one of the wheels and it's practiclying falling off. What a pain in the ass.

Then i think i just came inside and played on the comp, watched some TV. Untill my and the Sis went to see Anchorman, Frickin funny even the second time i've seen it. BTW> I got this sweet ass independant movie called Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai, It's a koo movie definatly check it out.

So around 10, Megan got off work. So we had plans to do something and i was lucky enough to decide on what to do....YAY... So being the imaginative kid that i am i suguested that we grab a movie and some snacks and watch it at my house. Kill Bill vol.2 was tonights selection, A good pick i must say. I've seen it before and it's a good movie. Definatly to be seen WITH Kill Bill vol.1.

So, i walked Megan to her car and scince i have tomorrow off i asked if she wanted to do something when i found out she is off AGAIN for the weekend.... (shitty)

So i came back inside i start chatting to Vanessa and i tell her how i wanted to kiss megan during the movie, but i mean...When people are getting all cut up on the TV dosn't seem to make for a good atmosphere, you know?

Here is part of the convo:

G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [] says:
Today durning the movie i wanted to lean over and kiss her, but then i was thinking, She'll miss some of the movie, and like how do i pick a good time in KILL BILL to kiss my GF...

heaven wait for those who run says:
my goodness ur as bad as eric why overanalyze so much, dont things feel staged when u think about them so much, like if u spend so much time planning stuff does ever even happen, or in the way youve planned?

G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [] says:

G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [] says:
Shit no

G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [] says:
Asking Megan how she feels about me on your Cell in the parking lot at Swiss Chalet

G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [] says:

G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [] says:
Never saw that one coming

heaven wait for those who run says:
lol yea

G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [] says:

G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [] says:
Or asking her out in the road infront of my house

G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [] says:
Well, i was gonna do it, but the ONLY thing that stopped me was: The current sene never seemed like one you'd kiss someone two, you know?

G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [] says:
"Hey Megan *Smooch*"

G .U .M .B .I (Sixty6) [] says:
Dosn't seem to work

heaven wait for those who run says:
lol i still think that you think too much

Well Vanessa your Definatly right.... As people are being shot and during a romantic Kung-Fu scene, is as good a time as any right?


Blogger E said...

You know, I don't mean any offence to this or anything, but... I know Megan's a good girl and all, and you like her a lot, but isn't it nice to have some things between you two kept private? I mean, I like to keep some things to myself because they are things that make me happy. They are moments in my life that are mine alone and I can cherish them forever. I don't feel that I need to tell the world (or atleast the handful that read my blog) what I'm thinking about specific things in detail all the time. It's just... and I'm not speaking on behalf of Megan, but if I were her I think I'd be a little uncomfortable with the whole openness of the things you choose to say on here.

I really don't intend to insult you, or bring down the intent of what you write, I just think things like the first kiss between you two would be something that shouldn't be shared. To me, that would be a special moment in my life...

...a moment I would save for myself.

Once again, I really don't mean to offend you, I just think the relationship you have with Megan is something that you should cherish with yourself. Sure, every once in awhile it's nice to say you appreciate what you have to everyone else, but I just think you're putting it out a little too thick. I'm sure what you write has nothing but good intentions, I would just think you would need to put yourself in her shoes...

Sorry to start that comment on that note... I'm just stating what I think and you can think what you want about it, I just don't intend any harm.

P.S. I think "The Seatbelts - Tank" was already a previous "Today's Song". ;)

And yes, I overanalyze a lot of things in life, but I think the best things in life come from my spontaneous outbursts... I'll work on it.

3:01 AM  
Blogger Gumbi said...

Sorry about the repeat song...I'm a Music Noob

Well Yea, I do hold those special moments like our first kiss very special and they will not be forgotten.

But i ment for this Blog do be a view on how i'm seeing the world/and living in it, So with that in mind when i mention something like how i am feeling at a given moment EG: wanting to kiss her during the movie, Are things that i am thinking about. And because Megan and i is a topic i tend to think about alot i feel that it is essiebtial to write some of the things i am thinking down on this here Blog. I dunno about all of you kids out there in internet land, if you have ever been in a simaliar situation or anything. But if by me sharing my akwardness and what-have-you, and by some way you think: "Hey this happened to Jeff to? Shit, then maybe i am normal." Then i feel like like i have done something useful in the world

I totally agree that i am pretty open about so things, but i do draw the line somewhere, i'm not gonna go on about EVERY LITTLE thing that happends between us, I definatly agree with keeping things private and special. And trust me. The memories that are there, will stay there

3:15 AM  

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