Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Wow, I'm Boring

Today's Song: Presidents Of The United States Of America - Naked and Famous

So, the whole gang(Megan, Sarah, Vanessa, Dickie, Eric and i) headed up to BP's to hang out. So we do the normal...Bitch about work and whatnot, then get on to other topics. But tonight was diffrent, Noticably so, I mean pretty much the whole time was spent talking about work. I mean it's bound to happen, Eric and Sarah are co-worker, So are Vanessa and Megan, Dickie and i aswell. But shit. Is this what it means to be part of the real world? All you have is your job? Fuck.... I mean yea i'm right there with the rest of them when it comes to bitching about my job, but i am totally down for other things being discussed. It's always awesome to get together with everyone after work. But it seemed that was the only topic., And i spaced out for a long time then came back to reality and everyone was still goin on about work.. I'd have to say the highlight of the evening was talking about some adventures in school over the years.

The thought of me becoming boring and only having work to talk about scares me. I like being able to come on here and Blog about some Stupid or odd adventure i've had. But tonight was soo "Blah". Work this and work that.... i think i need to get out more.

SO, Megan was driving Eric Sarah and i home, and as i was getting dropped off i was thinking: "I ALWAYS kiss megan before i leave, and we have never kissed infront of people, And Eric and Sarah are right there." Mind you i'm the type of person who gets uncomfertable around other kissing and whatnot infront of me. SO it was kinda an akward situation for me, and i was tossing it back and forth weather or not to kiss her.... But then i thought about it....

FUCK... She's a babe, i'd be stupid to pass up a chance to kiss her

So i "went in" for the kiss and she followed and it wasn't weird at all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Macarone... Mitch Lightning here posting all the way from shithole provost alberta... Man don't let work get you down, lets face it for the next 30 years we'll be doin it, either accept it or find something you like to do and always make sure to find time for the finer things in life, LIKE YOU GIRLFRIEND! Sounds like you really like her buddy hopefully it lasts and you two grow old together... or some bullshit, don't ask me I couldn't find a girlfriend if she was lieing naked in my bed ;) Anyways I'm outty, take care man, and be like me, enjoy every breathe and moment of life you get, it only lasts so long!

6:29 PM  

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