Sunday, January 30, 2005

Happy Birthday

Today's Song: Linkin Park - Breaking the habbit

Sarah woke me up today, Wished me happy Birthday (For the second time because she called yesterday). I Chatted her up for a while and it's good to hear her voice.

Jumped in the shower. This may seem weired, but i think i might have grown. When i streched my arm out it just seemed unusally long.

Went to Olive Garden (My fav restraunt) It was my parents treat. I ate a huge meal, and it was sooo good. Then went to look for a TV i'm gonna get to put in my room. I couldn't find one, But i'll find a deal.

After i got home. Called Candice, but she was swamped with work.

Now i plan on planting myself infront of the TV and playin some SOCOM aswell.

Jocelyn is coming back next weekend. I can't wait to hook up with them.

My Cake ( There were 15 candles plus the number "4")
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Blogger Justin said...

Happy Birthday. You should have called some other people.

3:42 AM  
Blogger E said...

That's the most interesting way of displaying age by candles I've ever seen.

Looks like you had a Happy Happy Day. :D

7:37 AM  

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