Wednesday, March 09, 2005

I Want To Be Miles Away From Me.

Today's Song: The Distillers - City Of Angles

"They say
this is the city
The city of angels
All i see is dead wings"

I have been feeling Depressed as of late. And i found myself looking at old posts.
Here are some Quotes from Better Times:

"i gave Sarah the recipt and she was like: "I don't want it" and i walked away. She said she was "TRYING" to put it in my back pocket... But she pretty much just Sexually harassed me infront of a bunch of people in safeway by touching my bum. I'm not the type of person to be violated and not say anything about it, So i loudly told everyone in safeway that Sarah had just sexually Harassed me and that it wasn't right. Sarah learned her lesson."

"The Evil Dead... Two zombi thumbs up... Sarah Fully enjoyed this flick...hahaha We plan to rent the sequals and watch them back to back, We'll have to alert the Local EMS because too much Zombies puts Sarah into a Coma (NO DICKIE!)."

"Last night was So funny, It was Movie Night Monday, This means on Monday we pick out a movie that we think will scare the shit out of Sarah...And i think we succeded. It was awesome because Sarah was walking down the drive way to her car and i grab her and yell:"BLAIR WITCH", and i swear she jumped like 3 feet into the air and screamed soo loud, it was Priceless."

"So there i am having a nice little sleep and i am rudely awoken but the ringing of the telephone, and who is it that was calling? It was my pal Robo calling to say that we should have a BBQ at Bowness Park. Man that was fun, we called up a nice little gang of people and we headed down. We had some delicious half cooked E-coli Bergers cooked by our very own Justin K. We played some some Sweet ass Ultimate Frisbee, and watched Megan chug a liter of coke, and also watch half of it come out of her nose."

"So, i am sitting here sipping on a slurpee pondering what one ponders while sitting infront of their computer on a tuesday night sipping on a slurpee, and it occurs to me...Tomorrow is my last day of high school...Holy shit, quickest three years of my life. and i start to think about all the good time i've had, Throwing my lunch into the FAR garbage can, Finding some good fastion in the lost and found, Some DAMN good frisbee, AND of course Girl watching...Witch i must say took up alot of my three years at Bowness."

"After the movie i came home and vegged for a while before meeting up with Dickie, Sarah and Vanessa at the Chalet. We decided we needed to watch the Fireworks and a prime spot would be from the tramp at Mike's house...So Mike invited us over and we watched the show from there, It was quite romantic...Except that eric tried to touch me....I would have perfered that the lovely lady i've been chasing were there, but hey. it all can't be the way i want."

"So i walk inside the house no lights are on and i still have my shoes on and i walk to the hall to turn on the light and i step on something soft (Dog Toy?) So i flip on the light and look down.....

I had just stepped in a pile of dog shit....BAD KARMA"

"So Between Dickie telling me how i was gonna get mawled by a bear in his dream (He said he was disapointed in me because it was only a small one and i could have taken him) and almost getting sick a couple times, it was a fucking fun trip!"

"The movie ends and it's time for HER to go home. The part of the night i like the least. And as i am walking her to her car i am thinking about Kissing her, and about last nights events, and about how big of an asshole Dickie is. So we hug and we are staring into eachothers eyes, and i can tell she knows what is on my mind and she laughs and we catch eyes again and i move in and kiss her. Then i said: "I wanted to do that eariler but when Dickie laughed it kinda ruined the mood", She laughed, then we kissed again before she left."

I Hope you enjoyed these memories as much as i do. I miss those times.

~Good Night


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