Monday, March 14, 2005

So Long Sweet Dickie

Today's Song: AFI - Girl's Not Grey

"I'll lay me down tonight
Much further down
Watch stars go out tonight
On sinking ground"

Well, i dunno when we all woke up. But i think we were all feeling the night before. After watchin some TV and eating some leftovers, Kev and Dickie when home.

Later tonight Dickie, Kevin, Justing, Sandra, and i went to see Hostage:
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Awesome movie, I very much enjoyed it. Great action, great acting, GREAT gun fights. I would definatly go see it again.

While watching the previews i saw an interesting trailer: Sin City This movie looks very interesting, They style and the way it is filmed looks really good. It reminds me of Sky Captain And The World Of Tomorrow, But less Ghey. What i mean is: You In Sky Captain you can easily tell the backgrounds are CGI but the foreground is real. Well, because of the style and whatnot of Sin City, the CGI isn't as obvious. I am not a big fan of comic book movies, but this looks good. I will definatly see it even if it's just to see how the movie is filmed.

After the Movie, and dropping Sandra off, and Shooting Justing. Kevin, Dickie, and i headed to Denny's for some foods. Then back to my house to hang out. I am gonna miss that Dickie kid. I can't wait till he moves back here.

~Good Night


Blogger Justin said...

Goodbye Dickie, we'll see you in a few months.

You hit me right in the left ear. Good thing you bastards never hit Sandra.

9:39 PM  
Blogger Justin said...

I wasn't so much a fan of the gunfights, it was okay.

They could've done a bit better in that aspect, but overall still a really nice movie.

Could you recognize all the guns in that movie?

9:40 PM  

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