Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Sugar Daddy.

Today's Song: K-os - Man I Used To Be

"I tried it, I couldn't find it
Now I just wanna get back to me
Awe baby,
Back into the man I used to be"

Woke up around noon. Got out of bed around 2, when to the bank, Dropped some shit off at work, And then off to Class. Passed my second unit test... Havn't done that in a while. Feels good.

So, because of the lack of a answer at home i had to buss it home, and as i arrived at Dalhousie there was an Ambulance and a couple cop cars, And a fire truck. When i got home i was informed by my dad that there had been two... TWO stabbings there. WTF is this world coming too? Frick.

After getting home, And not being able to find ANYONE to watch OC with me... Sean came over and watched American Chopper, then we went to Milly.

Sean Lookin Pretty:
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AWESOME SESSION. I swear we rode everything there. I was even in the fullpipe. So i Borrowed Papa Macarone's Digi Cam and got Sean Tarnizzle to take some Vids. I swear i tried a hundred times to land a 180 to rollback out of the bathtub.... But i FINALLT landed it twice:

180 to Rollback
Another 180 to Rollback from a diffrent Angle
[Right Click, Save Target As]

That was difinatly the highlight of the session to get those on vid.

After Milly Sean and i went to Timmy's and as we are sitting there eating some drunk native guy comes and starts talking to us, then he sits down and keeps goin on. Now i hate to but into racial stereotypes... But i think he was drunk, and i thought he was gonna ask us for money. He started talking about random things. He told us that he was the best hunter, tracker, and skier in Canada, Then told us he could give us some number to call and check... He went on about how we were probably raised not to beg for anything and whatnot. Then he mentioned his sick sister who is in ICU and her weird husband who took off his shoes, socks, and shirt, and then walked into her hospital room... Then they had to call the cops on him. So then he tells us that he only has 35 cents to his name. Well at this point i KNEW he was gonna sk for some money, So Sean and i gave him some change. He then mentioned that he's was drinkin hot water because he could not afford a coffee, So Sean gave him his coffee.

I'm all for helping someone in need, But i reall hope he dosn't spend that money on booze. And then i thought to my self. I worked for that money. I don't enjoy my job at all, Infact i dislike it. But the fact is that i worked for it. Mind you it was like $1.50 i gave him.

Anyways, He then asked if we could give him a ride to the hospital... Which is right across the street and then like 800m or so to the emergency room doors. We told him that the car was full of bikes, and snowboards and there was no room at all. We QUICKLY left.

I would have expected to meet some drunk/druged out/odd/crazy person at Milly at 3 in the morning. But at Timmy's caught me off gaurd. It was funny because while we were at Milly a couple on rollerblades were rolling around and whatnot, and they seemed by appearance to be none of the above. It almost seemed like a date, one of those 2am romantic trips to Milly. They even asked Sean to take a pic of them hugging.

~Good Night

BTW> If the Vids don't work it's because i have used up my daily transfer allowance. So please try later.


Blogger Kim said...

Hey hey Jeff!!!

Yes "JEFF M" is you. hahaha I figured you would enjoy if I said a special hi to you in my blog!!!

Sounds like some pretty fun biking. hahaha

Well I guess I should start paying attention in class.
See ya

11:16 AM  
Blogger Expressions said...

aww i had so much fun on sat lol i was kinda having a sad day but truly honestly you made it better! you make me laugh!!! i am going to start reading your blog more and funny i found eric woo's blog today ahha and so cute he has a girlfriend aww. well jeffery i will talk to you soon!

11:25 AM  
Blogger Justin said...

Crazy people downtown? And you gave him $1.50?? You know he was making all that crap up.

Stupid shit stories like that piss me off. If you're going to beg, just beg. Don't lie about it.

5:13 AM  

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