Tuesday, July 19, 2005


Today's Song: Rise Against - Torches

"I’m still waiting, yeah I’m still waiting"

>The day started out by goin to the shooting range with my dad. It was fun because we had the whole rifle bay to ourselfs. I moved a table out of the way and tried shooting from a prone position at 50 yards with the .22. We found a Silhouette target that hadn't been used, so we put it out at 50 and tried shooting at it standing up. I was happy with getting all ten shots in the head. After i was finished shooting the .22 i pulled out the Lee Enfield and shot 20 rounds with it. Some at 25 and 50 yards. I tried shooting while standing, and you can feel it move you.

Here is a vid of me shooting my Lee Enfield No.4 Mk.1* Standing up[.303]

Dickie and Sarah came over, then we went to Badass Jack's so Sarah and Dickie could eat. Then back to my house where we watched some tv. After they left i went to Peeties with Sean and we ate some KFC and watched a BMX video.

Fun fun. So i can't wait for my body not to hurt anymore so i can go riding again.

~Good Night


Blogger Mike said...

Thats a pretty cool video.

4:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


6:08 PM  

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