Thursday, July 07, 2005


Today's Song: Nena 99 Luftballons


I don't know how to recount the past events of all the days that i havn't posted.

Today, Sean woke me up and we were gonna go to COP and ride a bit before we had to go work. But his bike is in peices. So he is allowed to rent a bike for free, but Mr. McFucktard had to be an asshole and gave Sean a shitty bike so we called it a day after two runs on the DJs.

Dropped my bike off at home, then to his house to pick up his and take it to bow. Bow = Too Expensive. Off to Opa in market mall to eat. then to visions and soundsaround so Sean can look for a new Deck for his car [last one got stolen].

Went to work... It was Kevin and i... then everyone else was new. I had to pretty much call and do take out aswell as frys and apps... Not koo. But on the plus. Dickie is comin to work there now. Woot.

After work, went to Super to see Eric and tell him to come over after work. Then dropped Kev off, and Dickie and i came to my house. I showered, kev came over, we watched some Scrubs [my fave show] then Eric came over later. I cannot remember what the hell we were watching on TV that was so great, but like two seconds after Dickie and Kev left Eric and i started watching 8mm.... What a fucked up movie. But it was good. Freaky, but good.

So the movie ends eric and i watch some teen titans then channel surf and that brings us to about 530 in the am. Eric goes home, and comes on MSN and tells me peeps are leaving for work.

So, i get advice from friends telling me to "Just go for her" because of whatever reason. But i mean, I don't see her that way. Or i'll get "Don't give up on her" But i doubt in a best case senario it could ever be. "Why?" i was asked. I do not know. The only answer was: "It's too fucked". So this leaves me looking all over for that special girl. Not going well so far. I know i have said this many a time before. No more highschool... So i do not see alot of girls. I want that someone who i can hold and share feelings for. You know, The one who is thinking about you throughout their day, the one who makes your day when you can hold them close. Ugh. Secret admirer, You there? This is your time to shine. Shine on me.

~Lonely Night


Blogger E said...

Alright, I love you Jeff. I always have.

Sorry, I know it doesn't help, but there are other lonely people out there too. Some not by choice, others because they've fucked it up themselves (voila, prime example).

It always seems to be that search for that special someone, doesn't it? Sometimes the chase is fun, the relationship should be fun, when things fuck up, that's not fun, but sometimes just being lonely is easier.

It sucks to be lonley of course, but then again... it's worth it when you find someone that cares...

6:27 AM  
Blogger Expressions said...

Hey Jeff
whats up well after reading your blog i have concluded you must go to stampeded where there is an abundance of girls lol. Jeff your an awsome guy you will find Mrs right soon enough and trust me relationships arent easy they can be complicated and stressful too so just enjoy being single for now because one day you will be looking back and missing the good old days! Oh and another tip and i swear on it its when your not even looking that you will find someone it really is true so stop looking get out and have fun with your friends and she will come a long sooner or later!

3:17 PM  

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