Monday, June 27, 2005

AWESOME Bday Justing!!!1

Today's Song: Beastie Boys - Thee MC's And One DJ

"3 MC's and one DJ
We be getting down with no delay
Mix Master Mike what cha got to say"

I get a phone call to wake me up and tell me to get my ass out the door because Justing Sandra Kevin and Eric are there to pick me up. Four min later i get another call telling me that i should hurry even faster...

So we get to the range and shoot: HK usp[9mm] Baby Eagle[.40] Kimber[.40] Sig p229[.40] Sterling[9mm AND it was shooting in three round brusts which was AWESOME] Car-15[9mm] and another 9mm SMG

After blasting away all of that we pulled out the shotty... the 12GA Shotgun. AWESOME. We got like 9 boxes of 5 buckshot.... we could have started a small war with all the ammo.

Here is the shotty target:
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Justing and Kev took out the middle of the body. So Eric and i took out the head and the rest of the body. SOO MUCH FUN.

After shooting, we went to BPs for food, then to Schanks to play pool and wait for Land of the Dead:
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It was definatly Entertaining, But i was expecting above and beyond Dawn of the dead... But still two undead thumbs up. Must take Sarah to see this.

After Movie, went to Notts, and played pools for many hours.

Now home.

~Good Night


Blogger Justin said...

Twas a good day.

You can go wrong with the shooting range.

12:52 AM  

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