Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Boredom Post?

Today's Song: Kansas - Carry on my wayward Son

"Carry on my wayward son
There'll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don't you cry no more"

So, as i sit here watching a GREAT Olsen twins movie [young versions], and pondering how they got to be such great actress'. I ask myself how long it has been scince i last updated. Too long?

What is new? Ah yes. So after work one day, we decide to do the usual and get wasted after work. So then Kevin, German Girl, Eric, Sarah, Rob, Paul, Dickie, Vlad, and i went to Buggs and started drinking. About my second beer into the night i remembered i hadn't eaten anything that day. So i kept drinking and didn't give it a second thought. So after many many drinks, i stumbled out of the place and stuff happened, people punched eachother in the face and then we started on our way home. Shortly after leaving we maye our way to a parking lot where i was visited by all my drinks again.

As i sat there coming in and out of consciousness, i was thinking of how cold it was and how i'd like to stop puking my guts out. So after what seemed forever, i slowed down enough to go home. As soon as i stepped out of the car i made like three VERY drunken steps and puked on the back bumper of my dads car [it was holding me up]. After i was done that i stumpled through the house and passed out infront of the toilet. After a while i woke up and made it to my bed.

Woke up the next morning, Maybe even still drunk... i drink some water and go on the computer. I talk to Sarah applogize for what i did to Nelly. Then i made my way to the bathroom again to throwup the water i had just drank. I come back to ask Sarah if i should infact call work and mention that i'm a bit under the weather. So i go and puke again then i made the call. I thought Honesty is the best policy and i tell my manager that i had infact drank too much the night before and am still, In Kevins words: "All sorts of fucked up". He tells me pretty much that if i don't show up i'm fired. SO after he hung up on me, i went back to bed to try and sleep for another hour and 45 min.


I get my shit together and go to work, Luckily enough the manager wasn't there, and all the people working are super nice to me. I'd have to say for atleast the first 30 - 45 min of my shift i was doing absolutly nothing. After i muster up whatever courage i could i made it out to serve a table. It was alright... A few more tables. It's ok.

So i am cowering in the back trying to hold myself upright and the other server working comes and tells me i have another table. GUESS WHO IT IS.... Kevin Dickie and Eric... Come it rub it in. So all they want is some Mud pie and i go and make it bring it out to them, i ask if they want any thing to drink and Eric says no, Kevin says no, Dickie... He asks for a Double gin and Sprite [What i was drinking the previous night]. I turn around because the mear thought of an alcholoic beverage make me physically ill and walk away with them laughing.

The rest of the night got a little better because it got busy so i have to pull my ass out of a hangover.

Later that night Sean and i went to West side skate park and rode for a while. Nothing amazing was thrown down, We were hitting the first down ledge we ever hit. We were also were railing around in this half bowl as fast as we could. It was pretty sweet.

Yea, next day Dad and i went shooting, I was shooting pretty good. I was out shooting my dad, which is rare. I have the targets here but to tell you the truth i am just too lazy to scan them.

Tomorrow The Tarnizzle and i are gonna hit the shooting range and it'll be awesome.

ANYWAYS, now the Olsen Twins movie is almost done so i better finish this up so i can watch the ending.

~Good... Morning?


Blogger Kim said...

Oh wow...sounds like quite the drunken night Jeff.

10:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...and hes gonna have another one friday at the cluh...its true, jeffs going to come to a club...


12:18 AM  

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