Monday, August 01, 2005


Today's Song: The White Stripes - Blue Orchid

"You're given a flower
But I guess there's just no pleasing you
Your lips tastes sour
But you think that it's just me teasing you

You got a reaction
You got a reaction, didn't you?
You took a white orchid
You took a white orchid turned it blue"

Long time no post. It's not like there hasn't been stuff to post, it just that i haven't been posting. Who know's why.

Well, the other night i was serving i made $68.53 in tips. I mean thats more then i made that shift in wages. Last night was alright, i have a full section and it wasn't bad, but i mean it wasn't busy so that made a diffrence.

Last couple of nights haven't been the usuall get wasted and whatnot. I went to Milly with the Tarnizzle, it was a pretty chill session. What made it stand out was all the cops that were chasing drunk kids across the place and Hawks flyin around lookin for them. The next night Dickie and i went to Mikes for some cake. The cake was delicious. And then mike gave me a TV... So i'd say a good night. Last night, Tarnizzle and i went to Milly again It started out the normal type of session, but then Sean got the idea to try and grind over the bump on this one ledge. It took a couple of tries but i finally landed it. The thing that made it better was a few noob MTBers that were all impressed. We ended up leaving around 330 in the am.

[22 Days till Nova Scotia]

~Good Night


Blogger Kim said...

That's pretty sweet about your tips that you made. Hahah Good job!

And biking at know what I think about that....


3:05 PM  

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