Monday, December 12, 2005


Today's Song: Kanye West - Jesus Walks

"God show me the way because the Devil try to break me down"

I like this song.

ANYWAYS, it is currently 631 in the am.... FACK i have school tomorrow. You might be asking: WTF Jeff? Well i have to finish a porject that is due tomorrow.

Here that project is

I dunno, I like it alot. But this isn't what i had inmind when i first started this project, i changed my mind a few times because i had high ambition... but it was too much fuckin work. But i love this one.

Um... DW's Par-tay was effin fun. Bunch of us from school and some i met for the first time. We were doin keg-stands[pic] while we were outside some little jr.High chotchy kids come by. I told one kid to take his hair and leave haha.

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Man, I just plain and simple had a blast. Today Dad and i went to the shooting range. It was pretty sweet, i was getting some good groups with the Lee Enfield.

After that about 530 in the pm, Dickie was home so he came over for dinner. Dad made pizzas with his sauce and meatballs on it then covered in mozzeralla. Yum.

Then Dickie and i came downstairs played on the computers. Watched some TV. Then after Dickie left i started my HW [the Flash previously mentioned].

Now at 642 in the am, I'm headin to bed



Blogger Justin said...

That picture is disgusting, the guy holding your left leg should tuck his pot belly in.

10:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12:19 AM  
Blogger E said...

That song is awesome and...

WHAT THE FUCK? That pizza sounds fucking amazing.


11:57 PM  

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