Thursday, December 08, 2005

Welcome Back

Today's Song: Fall Out Boy - Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner

"So wear me like a locket around your throat
I'll weigh you down
I'll watch you sulk
You look so good in blue
You look so good in blue"

So i have had more then a few people come to me and say something like: "WTF Jeffrey, why arn't there any fuckin updates you whore?". WILL the fact was that i had one completely fucked computer which was practly in a coma...

But alas, Justing has once again come to my rescue to save me from a dark place... He has kindly build me a beautiful new computer which is rather shiney and sweet. It's kitted out with some sweet shit [once i know what the hell is in it i'll let you know) And it's ready for me to play a bunch of games on. I have a nice stack of games that i havn't played in forever because the other comp was dead. SO... Have i been playing games like a mad man? Nope. I have been staying up till 6 in the am some nights to work on school shit.

Now that the end of the semister is upon us i have been loaded out will all the final projects. And you might be asking your self: Why is jeffrey up so early? well it's because i got up and ready for school but it turns out that i don't need to go in till 3... So here i am installing America's Army [a game] and getting ready to blast some bad guys.

As for the lengthy gaps inbetween posts... hell if i can remember what happened... SO just ask me and i'll tell you. And i'll also try and catch up on all of your blogs as well, sorry to have missed it.

AND i'd just like to take this time to tell you kids who are comin home for the holidays that i'm excited that your comin back and i can't wait to see what you got me.. jk.

It's good to be back bloggin
Thank you.


Blogger Kim said...

Welcome Back Jeffrey. It's awesome to be able to read this great blog agian...I have definately been looking forward to it.

Good luck on final exams. And good job on getting through the first semester. Hahaha

We gotta hang out again sometime soon. I dunno when, but hopefully sometime soon.

See ya!!

10:31 PM  
Blogger E said...

Word. Good to know the blog is back, man.

I'm looking forward to having a LAN with you guys and not see you take so long to join when the game is already over. woot. Now I'm the only one with the shit computer. :P

5:08 PM  

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