Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Today's Song: Presidents Of The United States Of America - Volcano

" When the mountain... becomes a fountain
Of white hot lava... molten magma
Super sonic... plate techtonics
Stero phonic... lava and tonic
The boom is bionic"

Today was my day off and what did i do with it? Why of course i went in to work for a few hours.

I worked on like 5 or 6 bikes and then went home. I went in today because i have two days off and i didn't want to be over loaded with work when i came in on friday.

BTW> i keep forgetting to mention this. I FIXED DARR MAQBOUL's BIKE!!!!

If you are from Calgary or have lived here in the past 5 years or so you'll know that every Calgarian will trust his or her weather to Darr. Any who... i never got to see him i just fixed said bike.

So this morning i woke up. because i wasn't technically working today i figured i'd come in when i wanted and leave when i wanted. Firstly i wanted to go to Bowcycle and get my wheel built. [I was in Lethbridge on Sunday because i was helping the sis move. Lethbridge is hella boring so i wanted to ride the skate park but i was there less than an hour and my hub died] Last night i took the wheel apart and got it ready to take in today. I walk up and talk to one guy he brings out some over priced parts that i need. Then i say i want them to build my wheel [hahha, Queen - Bicycle just came on] So the guy points me in the direction of the service counter. I tell him what i want. He says the prices of the work... which are obscene. And i head out.

Dad and i go the a oil change place juse down the street and i get a call from my Mom saying that Bow just called about my rim which i had JUST dropped off. So i go back over there and the guy says i have a flatspot on my rim and he won't build on it. FUCK. so he suggests that i take a look at their pre-built wheels. The thing that pisses me off is that my old rim was beautiful. Never went out of true and was strong as fuck. So now i have to go ahead woith some wheel i have i don't know alot about. So i'll have my bike back together sometime Friday.

Then my Dad and i grabbed some lunch at Tony Roma's it was really good.

Then to work.

What does tomorrow have in store for me? I get to go to Lethbridge with my parents and move my sister's furniture and paint her place. What is my sister going to be doing? Staying at home not working and "looking after the dog". eff that.

So come 7am tomorrow morn i will be on the road to Lethbridge. yay.

So alond with moving a bunch of Heather's crap back home she gave me the old VCR. [the one we have had scince i was a little kid in Montreal that she took with her to University] So i hook it up to my TV and i gotta say that i am pretty darn excited. Looking at a bunch of the movie titles i have lined up are bringing a bunch of memories back.

Movie titles:
Dumbo, Superman Cartoon, Ninja Turtles Cartoon, Robin Hood Cartoon, The Rescuers, and the two i am most excited for: The football tape of us winning City Championships, and The grade nine trip to greece.

Any who. I'm gonna watch The Rescuers first.



Blogger E said...

Darr Maqboul is the shit! I wonder what he's doing now... stupid CityTV.

Man, that Greece video is gonna be funny seeing everyone so young.

8:36 AM  

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