Thursday, July 06, 2006

It's Not A Unicorn...It's A Horse With A Sword On It's Head

Today's Song: Rise Against - Chamber The Cartridge

"And so we carry on each day,
As in our lives were not so real,
Every breath that we take we only suffocate"

So i'm watching Kenny vs. Spenny, an effin halarious show.

So looking back on todays event we have shooting, Stuffed Animal Murders, Effin stupid wild life, a Bday Party, a delicious steak sandwitch, and some crazy weather to top it all off.

I get a call at 11 and it's Dickie saying he's on his way over. I say koo and go back to sleep. Once Dickie gets here we take all the shooting gear and get it ready. Lauren was on her way over. So once we get there, there is this asshole guy there and hes shooting a fucking bow and arrow. FUCK THAT SHIT. So we go to a diffrent shooting area and start shooting at random things. We didn't shoot the toaster like i had wanted because the range we were shooting as was alot cleaner.

Dickie was showing Lauren how to shoot one of the rifles and i notice out of the corner of my eye something moving. I look and there Bambi is walking down the range... Like i mean right down the middle. So none of us know how to butcher a deer we don't shoot at it. But this guy is hungry and is just snacking on all the grass he sees. I took a shot about 25yards from where he was and he didn't even look up. After a little while he walked away.

After we finished with the rifles we took out Dickie's shotgun and blasted some Stuffed animals. This was effin sweet. It was kinda morbid blowing stuffing out of a teddybears head. So then we tossed them up and shot them. I'll have some vids of tha ast soon as i can.

After shooting Lauren went to prepair her party and so Dickie and i went and had lunch at The Last Straw, Some Delicious Steak sandwitches. They were on special for like $6.50 and keiths was like $3 something. So i'll definatly be hitting that up again.

As we were eating there was a huge thunderstorm and it was raining and hailing pretty hard. Dickie hid his car under the roof of a gas bar. Once the hail stopped.

We went for desert and we got some DQ blizzards. As we were leaving i jumped in a puddle to get Dickie wet... turns out that i was the only one who got wet.

Back at my house i noticed that the neighbours had put a bunch of topsoil down on the side of the house and the rain had carried it all into our yard. So my Father was not pleased about this.

After dawning my newly made Unicorn Tee Shirt and letting Dickie borrow my Baby Blue suit we went to Laurens party. So we were playing some card games and this one kid who i think was gay started yelling profanities and it was halarious. So after a little while at the party Dickie and i go to pick up Lauren's GF and surprise her so we head out and we see these kids walking down the middle of the road. So i feel it is my duty as a concerned Citizen to yell shit at them. Ye pick up Holly and head back. We were on the look out for the kids again and again i yell shit at them. We dropped the GF off. and Dickie had plans with his GF so i didn't want to stick around at that party so Dickie was gonna drop me off. But he was still wearing the baby blue suit so he changed in the middle of the street. It was gross.

Then i came home ate some Nachos and blogged the shit outta the interweb.



Blogger E said...

Man am I definitely missing out on stuff. What's this about Dickie and a girlfriend? Or Lauren's girlfriend, or "After shooting Lauren went to...". I wasn't allowed to shoot anyone when I was home, what gives?

And what's with that fucking deer, it should have been shot out of sheer stupidity. Come hunting season, Bambi is fucking dead. Talk about Darwin Awards for animals. Those deer act like they live in Kananaskis country... oh wait. Shit.

10:37 PM  

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