Saturday, July 22, 2006


Today's Song: Rise Against - State Of The Union

" State of the union address,
reads war torn country still a mess
the words: power, death, and distorted truth
are read between the lines of the red, white, and blue"

So Dad and i moved heathers crap. That was fun.

Then that night i slept at Dickies so we could leave for Warped tour early...

Turns out that early was 1030... So after Dickie got his McGriddles we were off to Pick up Kev and Kate. So we pick them up and head over to Race City and get stuck in traffic for an hour. then we parked like 15 min away and walked in.


So first we watched Less Than Jake. They were funny and i liked the Sax and trombone. Then it was Anti Flag, The Casualties, Underoath.

For Alexisonfire i wanted to be close to the stage so i stood close to the stage way before they were done setting up. Dickie Kev and Kate went and sat on a hill way behind the crowd.

So i was right up in the crowd, and it was awesome knowing the words to the songs. So for the last song i went up in a pit and jumped around. that was awesome. except it wasn't on a main stage so it was all dusty when people started to go crazy. Kate said she saw dust clouds.

Then we went back to the main stage for AFI Dickie and i were in the crowd for this one. Kev and Kate were a little farther behind us. They played a couple of songs that i liked.

NOFX was next but i wanted to get a good place for Rise Against so i walked up for a better place. Stupid Dickie got scared and ran away. So as i was standing there i look around and i see Steven Potter and Bill. So i run over to where they are and we are chattin waiting for ther show to start and people start throwing empty plastic bottles, then everyone at the front [where i was] threw them back... They went on for like 15 min. Kate has a vid of it which i will try and get. So now i am like 20 feet from the stage and they come out and the crowd when nuts!. So they start playing and Steve asks me to lift him up so he can crowd surf... after that i didn't see him anymore. So now the crowd is going crazy and i am no longer in the spot i started out at and i'm jumping aroung and singing along to the songs It was awesome. Excpet for the crowd surfing people that fell on my head... and the sweat shirtless goys that were touching me...

Otherwise AWESOME.

So then we have a huge walk back to Dickie's car... I am soaked with sweat [not all of it was mine...] and Dickie was using the clean shirt i had gotten to cover up his delicate neck so that he wouldn't get burnt. That asshole. So once we got to his car i changed shirts.

The drive home was WAY quicker... Probably cuz Dickie used the shoulder as a passing lane. Once we got to Kev and Kates place they let me have a quick shower, THAT was awesome. I was so dirty and i felt discusting.

After that pit stop we grabbed some foods at BPs. I drank like 8 rootbeers. I was super thirsty.

Food was good.

Concerts were AWESOME.



Blogger E said...

Wow, it's hard to believe I went to Warped Tour like 5 or 6 years ago...
That was a long day awesome day.

8:12 AM  

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