Saturday, January 20, 2007

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Saturday, January 13, 2007

Drunken poster Hidden Post?

Today's Song: Rise Against - Ready To Fall

"I'm standing on a rooftop ready to fall (ready to fall)
I'm think I'm at the edge now but I could be wrong
I'm standing on a rooftop ready to fall"

So as i sit her d as f. If you don't know what that means maybe you should ask someone cooler than you.

ANYWHO. The other day i got a check and it needed cashing. My bank has one of the most pleasent people working. So I walk in Kim sees me and says: "Wait a sec and i'll help you" So i step aside and she helps me out with her Shadower watching and learning. It's good to have a friend some where un expected.

I have quit work because my instructor has given me a make-up assignment worth 2% so i can come back to 4th semister. So assuming i pass this assignment i am back to normal. AWESOME.

My schedual is pretty awesome. NO CLASSES ON FRIDAY!!!! It's soo sweet.

Anywho the reason why i am drunk is because tonight was kev's Bday at Bugaboos, I drank at least 2 or 3 pitchers to myself. I FOUND a jacket simmilar to mine and took the liner because i had lost mine.

Anywho, I have the hiccups something Crazy.


Friday, January 05, 2007

Happy 07

Today's Song: Rise Against - Prayer Of The Refugee

"Don’t hold me up now,
I can stand my own ground,
I don’t need your help now,
You will let me down, down, down!"

Sorry readers, i have not been posting at all. I feel like bad about it.

So i guess the biggest news is that i failed a class this semister and can't finish the program untill i have completed it. The zinger is that it's only offered in the september semister. In the meantime i will get my 92 hours of practicum done.

On a happier note:
my Lee Enfield Enforcer which was busted is busted no longer. I took it to a gun smith yesterday and be put on a new bolthead which is longer then the one it came with. So now when i fire it cases aren't breaking off inside. I was shooting groups under an inch at 50 yards.

Final Costs Tally:

Lee Enfield L42A1 Enforcer

Ralph Check $400.00
No.4 Mk.1 $85.00
Scope $99.95
ScopeMount $79.99
Bipod $92.00
New Bolt Head $40.00
Wood*Accs. -$110.00
Money Left -$106.94

So basically i paid $106.94 fo a bad ass rifle. Thanks Ralph.

While i was at the Gunsmith he said to get some new ammo shoot it and bring it back for him to take a look at. But his shop didn't have any .303 brit. So we head up to wholesale sports and start looking at all their guns, Two rifles pop out to me, one sporterized No.4 and a No.5 Jungle Carbine. So i ask the nice gun salesman if i can hold it,. So i am drooling over this gun, and i hand it to my dad to see, and i look at the price expecting a larger number. I am surprised to see it's only $249. I mention this to my dad because every other No.5 we have seen has been well over $400. So dad looks at me and says: "Well, lets get it. But DO NOT tell your mother.". So i whip out my firearms licence faster than you can blink. And now i am the proud owner of a Lee Enfield N0.5 Mk.1 Jungle Carbine. See Pics Below:

A couple of sweet events this month marked on my Calander:

Jan 24 - Rise Against/Billy Talent/Moneen/Antiflag - I'm SUPER looking forward to this

Jan 30 - Goin to a Flames Game with Dickie my sis and Lauren/I'M TURNING 21!!

Dickie and i have been playing hockey a bunch and thats super fun. The other day i dropped gloves with Dickie. He has perfected the art of falling to the ice and getting into the fetal position OR falling onto his back and kicking and flailing his skate blades at you.

Tomorrow i get to go into work on my day off to work on a bunch of snowboards and skis. You see, i'm sopost to do them, but because they rather have me sharpen skates then do boards and let them all pile up till the day they are due. pisses me off. I'm just gonna go in, only do the boards and then leave.

Any who, Thats my update.
