Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Good Fuckin Day

Today's Song: Presidents of the United States of America - Stranger

Today was a fuckin GOOD Day, For a couple of reasons. Which i'll talk about later.

We'll start off with where i slept last night. You see, for some reason i found my bed to be int most uncomfertable place in the world, besides the fact i have lost the ability to sleep in normal hours. So i try and think of the most comfy place in my house....The up stairs couch! If you have never experinced this couch then you are missin out. Think: Big, Fluffy, Soft, Leather. Mind you i still didn't fall asleep for a good long time, i was still awake when my father went to work at 6 in the AM and the weird thing is, i was pretending to be asleep, and he "Woke me up" to ask why i was sleeping there... What a Noob. So again i get woken up.... Not sure what time it is, but i know it was before i had to go to work at 4:30. I fade in and out of sleep and inquire to my mom (who is watching TV with out any regard to me sleeping) what time it is, then at the last second i jump in the shower and get my ass to work.

So i show up and Dickie informs me that we are AGAIN under staffed in the kitchen again, so it was Dickie pretty much doing everything and me doing fries and covering for Dickie every once in a while. At the end of the night i look over at Dickie and he looks like he is about to die. This is the third or fourth day in a row where we have been short staffed, and Dickie was workin a 10 hour shift. BUT! I got my Swiss Chalet pants today Woot!, Yes they are checkered, and Yes they look lame, but atleast i look like i work at the Chalet now.

So Dickie drops me off and he comes inside as we try and figure out what our plans our for the night. as it turns out, I kinda ditched that fucker for the GF. I was feeling bad, untill i remembered what kind of embarassment he puts me through when i'm around the GF and him... As you will recall the previous post...

SO... SHE comes over and we watched Suicide Kings, staring Christopher Walking, A Faverite actor of mine. And the movie was sweet and funny...Check it out.

The movie ends and it's time for HER to go home. The part of the night i like the least. And as i am walking her to her car i am thinking about Kissing her, and about last nights events, and about how big of an asshole Dickie is. So we hug and we are staring into eachothers eyes, and i can tell she knows what is on my mind and she laughs and we catch eyes again and i move in and kiss her. Then i said: "I wanted to do that eariler but when Dickie laughed it kinda ruined the mood", She laughed, then we kissed again before she left.

I gotta say i am soo surprised that She is goin out with me, She is soo beautiful and such and good person....

Good Fuckin Day


Blogger E said...

Good Fuckin' Day in-fucking-deed.

4:59 AM  

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