Friday, July 30, 2004

Happy Birthday Megan

Today's Song: The Used - Pieces Mended

So, First of all i better clear something up.... I talked to the GF today and she said she'd perfer to be called by name rather then: "SHE" "HER" and "The GF".

So, to all of you who know me you already know who she is and everything but i'd like to tell you a bit about Megan, my wounderful girlfriend. She has amazing eyes that i can loose myself in, a smile that makes Mona Lisa jealous.All my pervious blogs talking about a certin girl have been about her. This Saturday Megan is turning 18 but i won't get to celebrate with her becasue she is gonna be away....But that isn't the problem....I have no idea what to get her. So i'm totally gonna need your help and ideas on what is a good present for a beautiful girl.

Today Megan and i went out for a nice little date because we both had the day off. We headed to the Batting cage. I gotta admit that it was alot harder then i thought, and i pretty much tried not to embarass myself. So we are there hitting the softballs that are comin out at like 50-60 MPH i think, and was tough untill i FINALLY found the sweet spot and hit a shitload of them. Megan was a bit embarassed about her batting skills, but once some people sat down and started watching her she starting hitting them all. Megan wanted to see how i would do in the FAST softball, they were goin like 70+ and they were goin so fast that by the time i swung they were already past me. So i think she just wanted to see me get pegged in the face with one. Mind you i only tapped like 4 out of the 20, and the ones that i did make contact with popped stright up and almost hit me.

When Megan stopped laughing at my poor performance we went to Licks, this Ice cream shop. We got some cones and then went and sat infront of the river which was really nice. THEN This date takes an interesting turn. We are looking out over the river enjoying the view, and i hear some voices that sound like they are coming from the edge of the river, and then this head pops up and says: " Hey, there are people up here, stop being so drunk." Then she says to us: "Sorry about that" The she goes back down for a while and then she comes up carrying a bunch of crap and asks if we can watch it for her. And then she goes down and bring her DRUNK ASS friend to the top of the steep river bank, and she is just sitting there being drunk and being dumb, while her less drunk friend brings up their raft, and they put the raft on their heads and try and balance their shit to carry it across the road. The really drunk girl takes three steps and then trips and i swear that i thought she was goin down for sure. After laughing my ass off at these two winners Megan had to head home for dinner, but we made plans for everyone to go to her house and make smores around her fire pit, cuz it was gonna be the last time we'd she her for a while, because she is gonna be at a family reunion.

Shit, Where to start on the fire pit action....

Um we go to Megan's and discover that we have to wood to burn (an essential part of a fire) . So goin to Sarah to pick up some wood, she goes inside to ask if we can use some of her wood and Eric Megan and i get the idea that i should hide in the trunk of Eric's car and scare the shit out of Sarah when she comes and open's it (Bad idea) See, i failed to realize that when i scare her she'd be holding a large heavy and potentially hurtful peice of wood. So as i was all like "BLARG!". She was all like Beating the shit out of me with the wood. A word from the wise: Don't scare Sarah when she is holding a weapon. Then we headed to Safeway to grab the stuff for Smores, we grabbed it and as we are leaving i gave Sarah the recipt and she was like: "I don't want it" and i walked away. She said she was "TRYING" to put it in my back pocket... But she pretty much just Sexually harassed me infront of a bunch of people in safeway by touching my bum. I'm not the type of person to be violated and not say anything about it, So i loudly told everyone in safeway that Sarah had just sexually Harassed me and that it wasn't right. Sarah learned her lesson. We get back to Megan's, makie the fire, Dickie and Vanessa come over, we share some laughes (Too many to type out at 4:53 in the AM) and then we called it a night. As we were leaving Sarah pulled up the sweat pants that she was wearing so she looked like an old lady and it was fucking halarious, then we got her to pretend that she was modeling and told her to walk like she was walking down the runway, You had to be there to experince the FULL affect of this halarity.

So, Dickie, The Woo, Justin, Mike, Kevin, and i all head up to Timmy's for a bite to eat. Before goin we had to pick everyone up, So we are at Justin's house and i got Justin to show me the Katana that he had gotten for his b-day, and i thought to myself: "You know what Jeff, The thought of you with a sword is scarry enough, but if you snuck around the corner and jumpped out at Dickie and Eric and scared the shit out of them while weilding this sword...It's be priceless", So i did just that and i wish i had a picture of their faces as i jumpped around the corner yelling with a sword in my hand...........Priceless.

Then at Timmy's we ate, laughed, then called it a night and headed home. It's 4:59 in the AM and i have to work at 5, FUCK...

Good Night to one and all


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