Monday, November 15, 2004

"And I am flawed, but I am cleaning up so well"

Today's Song: Dashboard Confessional - Vindicated

Sorry i havn't blogged in forever.

Lets see, Scince the last blog i've had a couple of adventures, If i forget any it's because it's been too long so please drop me a line so as to help me out.

Um. I think we'll start with Robo taking me Bouldering. Bouldering = wall climbing without a rope in a small room with handhold covering the walls and ceiling. It was super fun, I have been wall climbing and it was fun... except that i am afraid of heights. But this was awesome, i was hanging around and Robo was tellin me where to go and by the end of the night it was hard to move my arms.

Next is, Late night bikin with mike. I think we headed out at like midnight and sessioned crowfoot for a while then called it a night around 2 or 3.

So, Amy S called, I was already in my PJs getting ready to do nothing for the night and BLAM. My phone rings she wants me to come hang out with her and Kim, so i was all down for that, They were drunk when i got there, but we played some quaters. I dominated the game because i was the only one who got it in enought to actually make a rule. Then later Kim's BF (Jeff) came down He's a koo kid. THEN Jeff K came and it got confusing with three jeffs in the same place CRAZY.

I think Snowboarding at Sunshine is next. Awesome, but it sucks because i am really shitty at riding now so if i wanna get good again i'll have to practice and just giv'r. It was fun because i went with Jocelyn and Shawn and Peter. It was great to see jocelyn and hang out because she is a blast. Shawn i have met before but a long time ago so i was worried that i might be the odd one out. But Shawn and peter are koo kids and i think we had a kick ass time. So We met up with Ben Steve Bill Megan (not the ex) and her bro again good to see some fimiliar faces. They are all awesome riders so it was hard to keep up, but good to be pushed aswell. They were scoping out this fifteen foot cliff and so we took off our boards and were lookin at it and they were looking at their lines, So i stepped up and said: "This is soo do-able" then i leaped off (no snowboard) and it was halarious because i landed on a little shelf and then tumbled down some more. It took me like 15 min to get back up.

At work i get changed and walk up to the line and look out into the restraunt and see Amy G sittin there. It was halarious because i was staring at her, and she had this weired out look on her face, then she realized it was me and not some freak. Good stuff. I would have chatted with her rather then worked but what are ya gonna do eh?

Then it was another last night session with Aaron a koo kid from work. We did a bunch of stuff and i gor home at like 530 or so.... Frick i was tired the next day at work... BTW> i had closed all week and that night so i was spent.

Then that bring us to today (The 14th) My sister's bday. The family went to Lethbridge to take her to lunch and whatnot. Being the great sibling that i am i decided to buy lunch... it was a hell of alot cheaper then The Olive Garden so i was happy.

I'm lookin forward to Wed, because i not only have the day off work buy Aaron and i are headin down to Milly. It'll be Kick ass.

I'll leave you with a few koo pics:

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By: Ian Woo (Medium Bro)

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Me Shooting an AK-47

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Me being koo

I made this Flash
...Hopefully it works.


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