Thursday, October 28, 2004

I Miss It

Today's Song: Richard Cheese - Down With The Sickness

Here is a funny Comic:

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Well lets see,First off. I'd like to thank everyone for lending some words of support. It is much appriated.

So i got an AWESOME dvd today. Dawn Of The Dead. You have to see it. Justin, Eric, Kevin, Kevin's bro, and i went and saw this movie in the theater and it was AWESOME. The song i have chosen was in the movie. When we were in the theater and this song came on we all bust out laughing. I'd say you have to see hear it in the movie to fully appreate it.

So i was Talkin to Dickie and it was awesome to catch up with a good friend who i miss. We were talkin about what we wanna do next time we hang out (GTing being one of them) and maybe is luck is on my side. Me taking a trip to the Scoosh for some good old boozing with Dickie. All this talk put me in a really good mood.

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I was talking to Vanessa shortly after, and i told her that the two highlights of my day were,Making this cute girl in my class laugh, Which isn't anything special to you people, but usally i go the whole time without saying a word to anyone. Which bring me to my next point... I Was looking at my yearbook and it made me soo sad. I miss it soo much Being around friends and having so much fun. I miss those happier times. It almost makes me angry because i get on a bus not knowing anyone and then going to a school where i don't know anyone. Have you ever felt completly alone in the middle of a crowd? That is how i feel.

So i was talkin to Sarah about The Woo, and i thought to myself: "WTF... Why not call the kid" So i did. And this is how it went:

Eric: Hello?
Me: Hey is Eric there?
Eric: Yea, Speaking
Eric: Who the hell is this?
Me: Jeff. you fucker

It was really good to catch up with that kid. I wish him the best of luck.

Again...thanks for your comments.


Blogger Expressions said...

hey jeff,
I know what you mean about missing some of those happier times I do to I thought id be the last person to miss high school but now that its over i do miss it. Going to u of c is alright but since im only going part time i havent met too many people which just makes you miss all your old friends a lot more and all the fun times you had with them! well keep smilling anyways!!

2:55 PM  

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