Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Letter To The Editor

Todays's Song: Alexisonfire - Pulmonary Archery

Dear: Jeffrey

So, Workin at Joey's Eh? Good stuff. I herd you fixed the shit outta that lame ass filter machine. Good work. But getting electrocuted is a downer.

So from what i can tell is that you've been doing alot of bitching and complaining about nothing. You have plenty of things to do and worry about that all this lonelyness crap. I perscribe a vacation and some biking, wether there is snow or not... Just makes for a softer landing.

The more you talk to Dickie the more i can tell you are getting excited about goin out too the scoosch. He wants to learn to Snowboard, Kick ass, Your a good teacher. It's easy to tell your missing your friends and i don't blame you. I mean i hear you going on endlessly about your adventures in Dickie's truck or playin Frisbee infront of the school during Social while Eric and Sarah's class listens in, We can't forget Eric's Run in with the Law...with the "Salt" on his nose. Pee-Cupping will never be forgotten. I would be willing to bet that you guys will get together as soon as possible and Leave a 25 cent tip and then go pee-cupping. Frick. So many good times any normal human being would miss times like thoes. I gotta Agree with Megan's Comment on The Woo's Blog The Baby pop noise will forever be imorilized as Eric's Talent.

Well then... With that said. Go watch Conan and we'll catch up later

Yours Truly,
Jeffrey Macarone


Blogger E said...

I really enjoy that format. Don't be surprised to see a similiar letter elsewhere.

Oh, and Jeff. I get your messages all the time and I purposely ignore them most of the time, not because I don't want to talk, but because I've got so much work that I can't bare staying up an extra minute longer every night. I'm horribly sleep deprived, I'm physically and mentally exhausted, I'm sick and tired of this place and I'm doing terrible in school. All I'm looking forward to is passing all my courses and going home...

I guess this is pretty much to more than you Jeff, so perhaps I'll repost this later...

1:03 AM  
Blogger Justin said...

I came SO close to dodging that frisbee.

Sometimes you've got to stop looking back at the good times of the past, and make new ones for the present. I mean every day has potential for being a memorable one. Happens to me. Random stuff.

Oh by the way, updated.

2:55 AM  

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